Thoughtful Christmas Greeting from WKEF-TV 22 Dayton Ohio-December 25, 1968 (Southern Ohio TV Guide)

Simple Christmas Greeting from WICU-TV 12 in Erie, Pa. from December 25, 1969 (TV Guide, Cleveland Edition)
On behalf of my dear wife Linda and myself, I would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2008. I at first had no idea how this website/blog would be received, or if I could even do quality enough work for it to be noticed. This has succeeded byond our wildest dreams..since late August, when we began keeping records, there have been nearly 10,500 blog visits from here in the U. S. and all over the world. representing over 18,000 single-page views..An average currently of 99 visits per day..most of those are from the Cleveland/NE Ohio area..The backbone of our readership and without which we wouldnt be here.
This site grew out of retro-schedules on Radio-Info.com and Radioinsight.com. I've always been a "Broadcasting Geek" from the time my mother got me a shortwave radio as as teenager..Earlier than that, I was known as the "walking TV Guide" by my family because of knowing instinctively what was on all the channels at any one time..(Wasnt hard with only 3 channels..LOL) I only wish I had kept the TV Guides from that era...With doing the retroschedules, I always felt I wanted to do more. Make the local TV memories more real, I guess, When we hit on the blog Idea in March 2007. I want to thank a few people that have been a real support.
First, my wonderful wife Linda..She doesnt always understand why I enjoy this like I do, but she supports me a lot and I love her for it. She has been very patient..Thank you so much, honey..
WIXYGrad74..Cliff Feightner from Rittman, Ohio..He is a committed Christian that went to the WIXY School of Broadcasting and has made himself a good home and family there in Rittman. He was the first one to inspire me about starting a blog and has been this blog's number 1 supporter..Thanks Cliff!
Mike and Kris While..an awesome couple from the Salem, Ohio area. Mike is one of the Administrators for bigchuckandliljohn.com and companion site couchpotatotheatre.com Two great sites carrying on the legacy and tradition of Big Chuck and Lil John/Hoolihan/Ghoulardi..We have worked together for a number of months promoting each other's sites and the legacy of local Cleveland Television..
Ohio Media Watch-A site run by a former broadcaster that also inspired me to start this..
And last but not least, Thanks everyone for comments, encouragment and most of all for reading us..Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
ReplyDeleteYou are way too kind. You are one of the posters on radio-info who inspired me to post messages even though I had never made anything of my schooling. So in many ways we have supported each other.
I enjoy sharing your content with my readers, and they think you have a pretty neat blog.
Merry Christmas to you and Linda.
Cliff and Kathy