Channel 5 Schedule Ad in Televue March 1949..I would Have a WNBK-TV 4 ad..But Channel 5 was the only TV station to have ad space in TeleVue..WNBK In the issues I saw, didnt have any ads...Notice the mention of Linn Sheldon..as a host of "comedy dj" show..Lip Syncing Records..

Early Channel 5 personality Paul Hodges..Host of local quiz show "Dress And Guess" (TeleVue)

Advertisement for WERE-FM 98.5 (TeleVue) from March 1949..Now WNCX
I thought today we would go back to 1949 again through TELE-VUE. Cleveland's early version of "TV Guide". There are about 5 issues from 1949 at Cleveland Public Library. Fascinating time warp into the Broadcasting and night life of Cleveland in the 1940's..Not only did Televue cover Television with listings and features of WNBK-4 and WEWS-5, but It was a complete weekly entertainment magazine, telling about dining at places like Sweden Manor, the Alhambra Tavern, Borsellino's Supper Club. and the Zephyr Room. Play and Concert Venues like the Hanna Theater, Cleveland Playhouse, Lakewood Little Theater and Public Music Hall. as well as Severance Hall. Also Schedules for the Cleveland Arena for Local College Basketball and Cleveland Barons AHL Hockey. They even had early FM Schedules for WERE-FM 98.5 and WEWS-FM 102.1..All in 16 pages for a thin dime a week..$3.00 a year..
The TV listings themselves are interesting to me, in that they listed the sponsor and originating city..WNBK of course was NBC Owned and operated WEWS was carrying ABC, CBS and DuMont..Months before WXEL-9 came on the air..WEWS was listed before WNBK in the listings..
Tuesday, March 22, 1949
10AM Test Pattern/Tunes
2PM Test Pattern/Tunes
3:30 Test Pattern/Tunes
4PM Distaff-Women's Show-Sponsor:General Electric Supply Co.
5PM Test Pattern/Tunes
5:30 Uncle Jake's House-Gene Carroll, Candy Lee Sponsors:Jack and Jill Shop, Richard W. Kaase Co.
6PM Small Fry Club (DuMont-New York)
6:30 Lucky Pup (CBS-New York)
6:45 Oky Doky (DuMont-New York)
7PM News (ABC-New York)
7:15 Film Shorts (ABC-New York)
7:30 Oldsmobile Presents:News (CBS-New York) [Douglas Edwards]
7:45 Carling's Sports Album
7:50 Tune Time-Crandall Hendershott, Organ Music
8PM Cross Question-Courtroom Drama (CBS-Chicago)
9PM DuMont Presents:The Kenny Delmar Schoolhouse (DuMont-New York)
9:30 WEWS Presents-Film
10PM Miles Auto Stores Present:Midwest Amateur Boxing Tournament-Rainbow Arena, Chicago-(ABC-Chicago)
11PM Coming Attractions
5;25 Bulletin Board
5;30 Howdy Doody
6PM Western Feature
7PM Kukla, Fran and Ollie (RCA)
7:30 The Troubador-John Bankhurst
7:45 Camel News Caravan-John Cameron Swayze
8PM Texaco Star Theater-Milton Berle
9PM Quiz Kids-Joe Kelly (Miles Laboratories)
9:30 Believe It Ot Not-Bob Ripley
10PM NBC Television Newsreel
10:15-Wrestling-St. Nicholas Arena-New York
11PM Program Previews
FM Radio-Tuesday, March 22, 1949
WERE-98.5 (WNCX)
8AM Sign-On
8:01 Strike Up The Band
8:15 Moments of Devotion
8:30 Random Review
10AM Cavalcade Of Music
11AM Musical Scrapbook
11:30 Amusement Guide
Noon News Digest
12:15 Stock Market Quotations
12:20 Organ Melodies
12:30 The Three Suns
12:45 Les Brown's Orchestra
1PM US Navy Band
1:15 The Ambassadors
1:30 Lean Back and Listen
2:30 Symphonic Matinee
3:30 Airplane Melodies
3:45 The Four Knights
3:55 News
4PM Music In The Morgan Manner
4:15 Blue Barron Presents
4:30 Musical Cocktail
5PM Rush Hour Roundup
5:30 Amusement Guide
6PM News Digest
6:15 Emile Cole Glee Club
6:30 Menu Musicale
7PM Sammy Watkins-from the Vogue Room
8PM The Council Chamber
8:30 Salon Serenade
8:45 Piano Interlude
8:55 News
9PM Calvacade Of Music
9:55 News
10PM Call For Classics
10:55 News
11PM WERE Symphony Hall
Midnight Sign-Off
WEWS-FM 102.1 (WDOK)
5 minute newscasts top of the hour from sign on to sign off
7AM Sign-On-News
7:05 Musical Clock (Farm Front 7:30)
9:05 Accent On Music
10:45 Brunch Exchange
11AM News
11:05 Hymn for Today
11;15 Social Secretary
11:20 Three-Quarter Melody Time
Noon News
12:15 Melody For Lunch
1:05 Salon Music
2:05 Musical Matinee
2:45 Memos from Marcia
3:05 Spotlight Varieties
4:05 Tea For Two
5:05 Musical Cocktail
6PM News (15 minutes)
6:15 Dorothy Fuldheim
6:30 Dinner Dance
6:45 Women's Institute of Banking
7:05 Romance In Music
7:45 Guest Star-Government sponsored show with a current musical or comedy star as host.
8:05 Footlight Review
8:30 Little Theater
9:05 Evening Symphony
10:05 Curtain Call
11:05 Nocturne
11:55 News
Midnight Sign-Off
Seems that WEWS and WERE-FM hadnt figured out about Long-Form Radio as yet.Most of the titles were probably the same kind of music under different names..
All Schedules and images courtesy TeleVue Magazine..
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