1946 "Radio Time Table" from the Akron Beacon Journal Saturday Night, September 14, 1946.
I have written very little about Radio to this point, mainly because I have about 3-4 more times the amount of material related to TV as I do Radio. This schedule is in the heyday of "Old Time Radio", though Television was already in a few cities and would become more widespread in 1947-48..
A Couple Comments:
WADC 1350 was CBS and a full service station before moving to Country as WSLR in 1964..Since 2001 1350 has been Soul Music, Sports, Liberal Talk and now Sports again..
WHKK 640 (Mutual) moved to Akron from Columbus in '44 (swapped out for 610, which had been in Cleveland)..The station was co-owned by the Plain Dealer with WHK-1420..The station was sold to Susquehanna of York, Pa. in 1960, changing Call Letters to WHLO-"Hello Radio" with a Top 40 music format, then News and Talk in the early 1970's, Then Mortenson and Salem with Religious/Southern Gospel..Now back to News Talk under Clear Channel..
Alan Freed was at WAKR in 1946..Several years before becoming famous in Cleveland.
Schedule represented by the grid above..
Saturday, September 14, 1946
WADC 1350 Columbia (CBS) Akron
5PM Washington
5:15 Musical Show
5:30 Bill Griffiths
5:45 Charles Collingwood
6PM Sweeney-March (Bob Sweeney, Hal March)
6:30 Tony Martin
7PM Hollywood Star Time Judy Garland in "Holiday"
7:30 Mayor Of The Town
8PM Your Hit Parade
8:45 Press Box Party
9:15 Oklahoma Roundup-Country/Western Music
9:45 Popular Tunes
10PM News
10:15 Ray Anthony
10:30 Randy Brooks
11PM News-Music
11:15 Orchestra
11:30 Stardust Serenade
WAKR 1590 American (ABC)Akron
Slogan:"Tops In Radio from The Top Of the Dial"
5PM News-Churches
5:15 Goss Memorial (Church?)
5:45 Labor USA
6PM It's Your Business
6:15 News-Sports
6:30 Rev. Charles Billington (Akron Baptist Temple)
7PM Dark Venture
7:30 Famous Jury Trials
8PM Gangbusters
8:30 Detect-Collect
9PM American Melodies
9:30 Hayloft Hoedown-ABC Country Music Show
10PM News
10:15 Collectors Item
10:30 Walter Tracy Orchestra
11PM News
11:15 Request Review-Alan Freed-Akron West HS Students are guests of Freed
WTAM 1100 Cleveland National (NBC)
5PM Rhapsody Of The Rockies
5:30 Dinner Music
5:45 Art Of Living
6PM News-Music
6:15 Tom Manning Sports
6:30 Ohio Hayride
7PM Life Of Riley
7:30 Truth Or Consequences
8PM National Barn Dance
8:30 Can You Top This
9PM Judy Canova Show
9:30 Prince Albert Grand Ole Opry
10PM Our Foreign Policy
10:30 Curtain Time
11PM News-Music
11:15 Starlight Serenade
11:30 Sammy Watkins
11:45 Lee Sims
WHKK 640 Mutual Akron
5PM Schubert Reports
5:15 Kay Charles
5:30 Kenny Strong
6PM Treasury Salutes
6:15 Sports Corner
6:30 This Is Our Duty
6:45 Korn Kobblers-Country Music
7PM Twenty Questions
7:30 Juvenile Jury
8PM Gold And Silver Minstrels
8:30 Leave It To The Girls
At this point (9:00 PM) WHKK had to sign-off..The rest of the schedule represents co-owned WHK 1420 in Cleveland
WHK 1420 Cleveland
9PM Chicago Theater of the Air
10PM Vera Holly Sings
10:30 Concert Hour
11PM Melody Parade
11:30 Turner's Singers
Source:Akron Beacon Journal
(Those that may not be aware..You can click pictures, ads to make them more readable..)
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