History and Memories of Cleveland and Northeast Ohio Television and Radio from the 1940's-1980's..Dedicated to preserving the Broadcast Heritage of Northeast Ohio..
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Small Note:
In our links, the original link to the WJW-TV History pages seems to be broken..I have replaced it with the Internet Archive version..It seems to load slower (at least on my computer) but the pages seem to work ok. Let me know if there are any problems with the link.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Virgil Dominic-Always a Class Act

From Frank Macek at WKYC-TV 3 and his Director's Cut Blog. Virgil Dominic at the TV 3 News Set in the early 1970's..

November 1967 TV Guide Ad for the WKYC-TV Newsteam at the time Including Chet Huntley and David Brinkley of NBC News, with Virgil Dominic, Wally Kinnan and Jim Graner.

Screengrab of a Virgil Dominic photo from a WKYC Anniversary Show.
I would like to direct your attention today to Frank Macek's Director's Cut Blog...He has an outstanding "Where are they Now" post on Virgil Dominic, who was one of the finest Newsmen ever in Cleveland TV and by all accounts, a consummate gentleman, always kind to co-workers and employees and just a real class act. He was in Cleveland from 1965-72 as main news anchor at WKYC. He was then News Director and Anchor in Atlanta at WXIA-TV from 1972-77 where he led a young news team to the top of the ratings in Atlanta before returning to Cleveland in 1977 for a long stint as News Director, then General Manager at WJW-TV until just after the station was sold to FOX..He recently has returned to WKYC-TV as a consultant..
Link to The blog article:
An excellent read:The WKYC-TV News Team up to the early 1970's was always one of my favorites..
Ive featured this clip before but it is one of my all time favorites..in 1971, Wally Kinnan is surprised by a visit from one of his idols, Lawrence Welk. Virgil Dominic Introduces the segment, with Doug Adair and Jim Graner looking on..From Channel 3:50 Golden Years October 27, 1998
Monday, September 22, 2008
Ghoulardifest IV-Coming soon!!

As most of the blog's regular readers may notice, I tend to shy away from advertising, or "plugs" as it were except when it relates directly to the blog itself. I've never done ads from Google, etc. I get enjoyment from doing the blog without needing to make money from it.
I am also involved in a number of other message boards/websites, many of which are linked on the left. The biggest involvement In a messageboard I have is as a moderator on the bigchuckandliljohn website..They are dedicated to preserving the Legacy of The Horror-Host tradition at WJW-TV 8..Especially Hoolihan and Big Chuck/Lil John, and of Course, Ghoulardi.
Ron Garsteck' s "Turn Blue Productions" has been involved in putting on "Ghoulardifest" from the first one in 1997.After Ernie Anderson's passing..Other Festivals were held in 1998 and 2007..With the Big Chuck and Lil John Sci-Fi Fest in 1999.
This year's Ghoulardifest will be held October 17-19 at Holiday Inn-Independence, Ohio.
Among the Guests will be:
"Big Chuck" Schodowski
"Lil John" Rinaldi
Bob "Hoolihan" Wells
Dick Goddard
Kevin "Son Of Ghoul" Scarpino
Mike Olszewski-Morning host at WNCX-He will premiere a "Lost Film" of a Cleveland TV Special not seen since 1962.
PD Writer Mark Dawidziak
Jim Syzmanski-Festival MC. He acted in a number of Big Chuck and Lil John Skits.
Tom Feran-Author of new Chuck Schodowski book, which is planned to be debuted at the Festival..
These along with many other guests will be at the Ghoulardifest..There will be large Dealer Tables throughout, as well as film showings..This is shaping up to be the best Ghoulardifest yet..
My wife and I will be there from Friday Night till Saturday afternoon. Will try to share a few pictures and a report here on the blog..
Classic Ghoulardi...
From Hoolihan and Big Chuck..Dueling Accordians..A takeoff on the theme from "Deliverance"..From the early 1970's..
Thursday, September 18, 2008
May 1969-Looking Back..

TV Guide Ad for the Syndicated Carol Lawrence Show on WEWS-TV 5

TV Guide Ad for the Game Show, "It Takes Two" with Vin Scully, who is still broadcasting Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball Games on TV and Radio, as he has been since 1950 when they were the Brooklyn Dodgers..an Incredible 58-year career. WKYC was airing It Takes Two on tape delay from 10AM

Ad for WKBF-61's 10PM News, anchored by the late John Herrington from 1968-70, who would make his name at WKYC-TV 3 as a field reporter from 1971-93.

Ad for Jerry Blinzely's "Outdoor Report" on WYTV-33

A TV Guide Ad, then a "Close-Up" for "Spring Thing" a "Really Together" NBC Music Special starring Noel Harrison, Formerly of "The Girl From UNCLE" and current pop star Bobbie Gentry..with guests including Rod McKuen, Goldie Hawn from Laugh-In and Petticoat Junction's Meredith MacRae. This strikes me kind of corny these days..while TV in the late 60's was trying to be oh so relevant, cool and "with it"
May 1969...A time of progress..yet a time of polarization..Man would be on the moon within 2 months, yet America was in a state of unrest, as the Vietnam War raged with no end in sight..There were riots on college campuses in California that would spread throughout the Country, culminating in the May 1970 Kent State shootings..The Smothers Brothers Show, on their last legs with CBS Network Brass because of controversial content, would be canceled June 8..
In the world of Northeast Ohio Television, Barnaby was now seen just on Saturdays on WKYC-TV 3
The Syndicated Carol Lawrence Show aired Mondays at 10PM on WEWS-5, displacing ABC
s Big Valley
As Network Primetime was just about all Color by 1966-67, well over half of all TV Shows produced locally were in color, with the notable exception of WVIZ-25 NET/PBS..Though some shows on TV 25 were in color..
Three Independents: Channel 17 in Canton, and Channels 43 and 61 in Cleveland were operating by this time..Franz was airing Daily and Sunday on TV 8..
Thursday May 1, 1969
TV Guide Cleveland
BW=Black and White
6:20 Farm Report
6:25 Education Exchange
6:55 What's Doing?
7AM Today-Guest Jack Paar
9AM Mike Douglas-Guest host Alejandro Rey (Flying Nun)
10:25 NBC News
10:30 Concentration-Hugh Downs
11AM Personality-Larry Blyden
11:30 Hollywood Squares-Peter Marshall
Noon Jeopardy!-Art Fleming
12:30 Eye Guess-Bill Cullen
1PM It Takes Two-Vin Scully
1:30 Hidden Faces
2PM Days Of Our Lives
2:30 Doctors
3PM Another World
3:30 You Don't Say!-Tom Kennedy Shari Lewis/Mickey Manners
4PM Match Game-Gene Rayburn Don Meredith/Joe Garagiola
4:25 NBC News-Floyd Kalber
4:30 Movie-Star In The Dust-1956
6PM News (Newsday 90)
6:30 NBC News-Huntley/Brinkley
7PM News
7:30 Daniel Boone
8:30 Ironside
9:30 Dragnet
10PM Jack Paar-SPECIAL
11PM News
11:30 Johnny Carson
1AM Zane Grey Theater-BW
8AM Comedy Clubhouse
8:30 Bullwinkle
9AM Cartoons
9:30 Romper Room
10AM Paige Palmer
10:30 Grahm Kerr
11AM Joan Rivers
11:30 Funny You Should Ask
Noon Bewitched
12:30 News
1PM Dream House
1:30 Let's Make A Deal
2PM Newlywed Game
2:30 Dating Game
3PM General Hospital
3:30 One Life To Live
4PM Dark Shadows
4:30 Password (Reruns of CBS Daytime-1966-67 Season)
5PM What's My Line?
5:30 News
6PM Merv Griffin
7:30 Flying Nun
8PM That Girl
8:30 Bewitched
9PM What's It All About,World?-Last Show of Series
10PM Generation Gap-ABC-Fri 8:30
10:30 Let's Make A Deal-ABC Fri 7:30
11PM News
11:30 Joey Bishop
6:30 Sunrise Semester
7AM CBS News-Joseph Benti
8AM Captain Kangaroo
9AM Franz The Toymaker
9:30 Beverly Hillbillies-BW
10AM Love Of Life-Tape Delay
10:25 News
10:30 Edge Of Night-Tape Delay
11AM Andy Griffith
11:30 Dick Van Dyke-BW
Noon News
12:30 Search For Tomorrow
1PM Divorce Court
2PM Love Is A Many Spendored Thing
2:30 Guiding Light
3PM Adventure Road-Jim Doney
3:55 News
4PM Linkletter Show-With Nichelle Nichols of Star Trek
4:30 Steve Allen Show
6PM News
6:30 CBS News-Walter Cronkite
7PM Truth Or Consequences-Bob Barker
7:30 Queen And I-Last Show
8PM Jonathan Winters
9PM CBS Movie-Madison Avenue-1962-BW
11PM News
11:25 Movie-Double Feature
1. The Actress-1954-BW
2.The Priisoner Of Shark Island-1936-BW
1PM Movie-TBA
2:30 Singing, Listening, Doing-BW
3PM Rifleman-BW
3:30 Swedish Exercises
4PM Alfred Alligator-Cartoons
5PM Laredo
6PM News
6:30 Town and Country
7:30 Movie-TBA
9PM Wagon Train
10:30 News
11PM Untouchables-BW
WFMJ-21-NBC Youngstown
7AM Today
9AM Tele-View
9:15 Cartoons
10AM It Takes Two-Vin Scully
10:25 NBC News
11AM Personality-Larry Blyden
11:30 Hollywood Squares-Peter Marshall
Noon Jeopardy!-Art Fleming
12:30 Eye Guess-Bill Cullen
1PM Graham Kerr
1:30 Hidden Faces
2PM Days Of Our Lives
2:30 Doctors
3PM Another World
3:30 You Don't Say!-Tom Kennedy Shari Lewis/Mickey Manners
4PM Match Game-Gene Rayburn Don Meredith/Joe Garagiola
4:25 NBC News-Floyd Kalber
4:30 Gilligan's Island
5PM Man From UNCLE
6PM News
6:30 NBC News-Huntley/Brinkley
7PM I Love Lucy
7:30 Daniel Boone
8:30 Ironside
9:30 Dragnet
10PM Jack Paar-SPECIAL
11PM News
11:30 Johnny Carson
WAKR-23-ABC Akron
9:30 Bullwinkle
10AM Jack La Lanne
10:30 Women's Page
11:30 Ann Sothern (1958-61)-BW
Noon Bewitched
12:30 Funny You Should Ask
12:55 Children's Doctor
1PM Dream House
1:30 Let's Make A Deal
2PM Newlywed Game
2:30 Dating Game
3PM General Hospital
3:30 One Life To Live
4PM Dark Shadows
4:30 Western Star Theatre-BW
5PM Lone Ranger-BW
5:30 News
6PM ABC News-Peter Jennings
6:30 Cheynne-BW
7:30 Flying Nun
8PM That Girl
8:30 Bewitched
9PM What's It All About,World?-Last Show of Series
10PM Movie-I Married A Witch-1942
11:30 Joey Bishop
4:45 Friendly Giant-BW
5PM Yoga For Health-BW
5:30 Kindergarten-Joyce Marron-BW
6PM Misterogers
6:30 Bridge-BW
7PM How To Use Accounting-BW
7:30 Living In Society-BW
8PM NET Playhouse
9:30 Washington Week In Review
10PM NET Special-Senate hearing on Funding for the Corporation For Public Broadcasting, which reselted in the Founding of PBS in 1970.
10:30 Busy Knitter
WKBN-27-CBS Youngstown
6:30 Sunrise Semester
7AM CBS News-Joseph Benti
8AM Captain Kangaroo
9AM Romper Room
9:30 FYI-BW
9:45 Classroom
10AM Search For Tomorrow-Tape Delayed
10:30 As The World Turns-Tape Delayed
11AM Andy Griffith
11:30 Dick Van Dyke
Noon Love Of Life
12;25 CBS News-Douglas Edwards
12:30 News
12:35 Movie-Smoke Signal-1955-BW
2PM Love Is A Many Spendored Thing
2:30 Guiding Light
3PM Secret Storm
3:30 Edgfe Of Night
4PM Linkletter Show-With Nichelle Nichols of Star Trek
4:30 Merv Griffin
6PM News
6:30 CBS News
7PM Truth Or Consequences-Bob Barker
7:30 Queen And I-Last Show
8PM Jonathan Winters
9PM CBS Movie-Madison Avenue-1962-BW
11PM News
11:25 Movie-Meet Me After The Show-1951-BW
WYTV-33-ABC Youngstown
8AM Cartoons
8:30 Movie-Assignment:Redhead-English-1957-BW
10AM Lucille Ball-CBS Network Showing-Not cleared by Channel 27
10:30 Beverly Hillbillies-CBS-Not Cleared by Channel 27
11AM Carol Duvall-5 minutes-long befor her appearances on Morning Exchange and her Cable Shows on HGTV
11:05 Dateline:Youngstown-BW
11:30 News-BW
Noon Bewitched
12:30 Funny You Should Ask
12:55 Children's Doctor
1PM Dream House
1:30 Let's Make A Deal
2PM Newlywed Game
2:30 Dating Game
3PM General Hospital
3:30 One Life To Live
4PM Dark Shadows
4:30 Cartoons
5:30 Outdoor Report-BW
6PM Mike Douglas
7:30 Flying Nun
8PM That Girl
8:30 Bewitched
9PM What's It All About,World?-Last Show of Series
10PM What Generation Gap?-BW
10:30 Black Perspectives-BW
11PM News-BW
11:30 Joey Bishop
Comment:Apparently all of 33's local shows were still in Black and White on this late date.
WUAB-43 Lorain-Cleveland
Noon Cartoons
12:30 Jetsons
1PM Lucille Ball-CBS
1:30 Farmer's Daughter-BW
2PM Movie-Background To Danger-1943-BW
3:30 Bugs Bunny
4:30 Astroboy-BW
5PM Speed Racer
5:30 Batman-Adam West
6PM Gidget
6:30 Patty Duke-BW
7PM Gilligan's Island-BW
7:30 I Spy
8:30 Movie-The President's Lady-1953-BW
10:20 Untouchables-BW
11:20 Naked City-BW
WKBF-61 Cleveland
11:30 Jack La Lanne
Noon Cartoons
1PM Movie-An Annapolis Story-1955-BW
3PM Mister Ed-BW
3:30 Cartoons
4:30 Eighth Man
5PM Dennis The Menace-BW
5:30 Flintstones
6PM My Favorite Martian-BW
6:30 F Troop-BW
7PM I Love Lucy-BW
7:30 Pay Cards!-Art James-Guest:Alan Alda
8PM Perry Mason-BW
9PM Donald O'Connor-First Hour
10PM News-John Herrington
10:30 Donald O'Connor-Last Half-Hour
11PM One Step beyond-BW
11:30 Movie-The Evil Eye-Italian 1962-BW
From a Big Chuck and Lil John "Oldies Night":
Jim Doney with a "Special Version" of "Adventure Road." with "The World's Foremost expert on the Continent of Africa"..This shows what may well have been the opening of Adventure Road in 1969..Though I know this opening was at least used as late as 1971.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Cleveland Comedy Company-1980
Here, from 1980 courtesy of Cleveland Memory Grenade, are a couple of parts of what appears to be an hour comedy special, reminiscent of Satuday Night Live. This show may have been a monthly series, but am not sure about that as yet. Paul Tapie heads up a young comedy troupe in a number of blackouts and comedy sketches, with guest Jay Lawrence, then of WBBG-1260AM. Lawrence earlier had been at KYW/WKYC-1100AM from 1961-67. He is credited with the long drawn out "laugh" that ended many of the Channel 8 Hoolihan and Big Chuck skits over the years. Bill Ward, later of WJW-TV, is the announcer. Here are what I consider the most interesting parts of the special..As with most shows of this type, some of the jokes work better than others, but It is interesting to see how much of Channel 5, in particular gets spoofed here and what they got away with..This show was aired on a Friday Night at 11:30PM
The "related videos" should have the parts I don't post here, as well as some promo spots for the show..Cleveland Radio Legend Bob James produced the show.
Opening segment
Highlights:A "retro-look" WEWS station ID..An opening disclaimer "No white socks or Kielbasa here"..
The Best overall part in my mind:
A funny spoof of local Cleveland TV News in 1980 with "Smiling Mona Mona" and "Overpaid Doug Hambrick" "EyewitnessActionCenterNews"
Paul Tapie, in a YouTube Comment, says that they almost sold this show to Paramount in Syndication. Interesting artifact of the early 1980's..Anybody with more info about the date this show aired, or if it was a series..email or comment..Thanks..
The "related videos" should have the parts I don't post here, as well as some promo spots for the show..Cleveland Radio Legend Bob James produced the show.
Opening segment
Highlights:A "retro-look" WEWS station ID..An opening disclaimer "No white socks or Kielbasa here"..
The Best overall part in my mind:
A funny spoof of local Cleveland TV News in 1980 with "Smiling Mona Mona" and "Overpaid Doug Hambrick" "EyewitnessActionCenterNews"
Paul Tapie, in a YouTube Comment, says that they almost sold this show to Paramount in Syndication. Interesting artifact of the early 1980's..Anybody with more info about the date this show aired, or if it was a series..email or comment..Thanks..
Thursday, September 11, 2008
New Link:Erie Media Blog
In writing the blog here, one of the things I wanted to do is provides links to other sites. These are generally in two categories:Sites that I enjoy personally for the content, and TV/Radio News sites:I have links pertaining to Ohio, West Virginia, Michigan, Pittsburgh, and New York/New England..Some of the best News/Blog sites in the business. Today I'd like to add a new one:The Press and Tower from Erie, Pa.
The Late Jack Tirak had written a popular, Erie-based Blog known as the "Erie Media Go-Round." His recent passing left a void, as Tirak's family didnt wish to have anyone else carry on with Jack's Blog..
Enter Joel Natale, a Veteran Erie Broadcaster, GM for 14 years at Erie area Christian Broadcaster WCTL-106.1, and earlier at WJET, WDOE. WSEG, and WXKC in the Erie area. He bagan "The Press and Tower"..To carry on the tradtion that Jack Tirak started, though not to copy him..Cleveland Classic Media wishes the best to Joel Natale as he begins this new venture..
Complete Biography of Joel Natale
The Late Jack Tirak had written a popular, Erie-based Blog known as the "Erie Media Go-Round." His recent passing left a void, as Tirak's family didnt wish to have anyone else carry on with Jack's Blog..
Enter Joel Natale, a Veteran Erie Broadcaster, GM for 14 years at Erie area Christian Broadcaster WCTL-106.1, and earlier at WJET, WDOE. WSEG, and WXKC in the Erie area. He bagan "The Press and Tower"..To carry on the tradtion that Jack Tirak started, though not to copy him..Cleveland Classic Media wishes the best to Joel Natale as he begins this new venture..
Complete Biography of Joel Natale
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Big Wilson-WCIX Miami-1978

TV Guide Ad for the "Big" Wilson Movie..weekdays at 1:00PM on the "Big, Bright" KYW-TV 3-From 1960
I've mentioned many times in the past about "Big" Wilson, who worked at KYW-TV and Radio from roughly 1956-61. He was a busy fellow, doing a radio show in the morning, hosting a movie show on tv in the afternoon, and doing a weather forecast in the evening. He later spent many years in Miami, doing TV movie hosting on WCIX-TV 6..
Here from Videoholic, is several minutes of Big Wilson hosting "Nite Owl Theater" on Miami's Channel 6..along with some commercials..Wondering if anyone would know if he did his KYW-TV hosting in this way..sitting at a piano and just conversing..It would be absolutely amazing to say the least if anything like this was saved anywhere from his Cleveland days..
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
September 1965-NBC Week

WAKR-TV Ad for tape delayed High School Football Games. It doesnt say here or in the listing, but I would assume Sports Director Bob Wylie was part of the telecast team.

WKBN Ad for "Teilight Zone" reruns

WKYC TV Guide Ad about being the "Full Color Station". The Don Adams Special mentioned in the ad appears below:
Taking a brief look at September 1965..Carl Stern and Bud Dancy were still the news team at Channel 3, with Wally Kinnan Weather and Jim Graner Sports..Labor Day, September 6, found WYTV-33 and WAKR-49 Carrying a Giants-Dodgers Baseball Game. The Indians had a home doubleheader with Washington so The Game was blacked out on Channel 5.
77 Sunset Strip reruns "Return" to TV 5 at 4PM weekdays on Sept. 6. followed by Captain Penny's Comedy Clubhouse for an hour and a half from 5-6:30.
Local Color programming on WJW-TV 8 included Franz The Toymaker Monday-Friday at 9AM, some 5 minute newscasts and editorials,Jim Doney's Adventure Road at 5:15 weekdays (moving to 5PM Sept. 13) and Hoolihan Weather at 11:15
Channel 5 aired "Comedy Clubhouse" in Color. Also Certain Cartoon Shows and Johnny Carson, (which would move to TV 3 in November 1965.)
TV 3 aired no local color to this point, though Many NBC shows were in color, and Channel 3 would introduce Local color September 13, 1965 according to the ad above..
It was around this time (mid 1960's) that the networks really began pushing the fall season. This may have been the first time NBC really began to use "NBC Week" as a yearly tag for introducing their fall premiere..September 12-19, 1965 was "NBC Week"..With 15 new shows. Most not lasting more than one season..
From MusiCom67 at You Tube: "A Secret Agent's Dilemma"...Aired on WKYC TV Mon. Sept. 6, 1965..7:30-8PM..Don Adams' Preview of the 1965-66 NBC Fall Season. Sort of playes like a "sneak peek" of Get Smart, which would premiere Saturday, Sept. 18, 1965
TV Guide Listings. Cleveland Edition
Monday, September 6, 1965.
3 News
3 Farm Fare
8 News
3 Educational Exchange
8 Summer Semester
3-21 Today-Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Sub Host-Guest Joe Namath
8 News-Martin Ross
27 Summer Semester
8 Rex Humbard
8 News-Martin Ross
27 News
8-27 CBS News-Mike Wallace
8-27 Captain Kangaroo
33 Movie-The Late George Apley-1947
5 News
3 Woodrow-Clay Conroy
5-21 Cartoons
8 Franz The Toymaker-Ray Stawiarski-COLOR
27 Romper Room
3 Love That Bob!
5 Romper Room-Miss Barbara Plummer
8 Topper
21 People's Choice
27 Leave It To Beaver
33 King and Odie
3-21 truth Or Consequences-COLOR
5 Paige Palmer
8 As The World Turns
27 I Love Lucy
33 Dialing For Dollars
49 News
3-21 What's This Song-COLOR-Gene Pitney, Kaye Stevens
5 Junior Clubhouse
8-27 McCoys
33 Rebus Game
49 Ed Allen-Exercise
3-21 NBC News-Edwin Newman
3-21 Concentration
5 Alan Douglas
8-27 Andy Griffith
33-49 Young Set-DEBUT-Interview/Discussion
3-21 Jeopardy-COLOR
5 Father Knows Best
8-27 Dick Van Dyke
3 News (30 minutes)
5 News (15 minutes)
8-27 Love Of Life
21 Call My Bluff-COLOR-Vivian Vance, Kathryn Murray
33-49 Donna Reed
5 Noon Show-Capt. Penny
8-27 CBS News
3-33 Mike Douglas-Co hosts Allen/Rossi
8 Search For Tomorrow
21 I'll Bet-COLOR Robert Culp, Denise Darcel and Spouses
27 News-Bill Bowser
49 Father Knows Best
27 Movie-Women Of The North Country-1952
8 Guiding Light
21 NBC News-Frank McGee
5-49 Rebus Game
8 Divorce Court
21 Local News
21 Kitchen Corner-Mariner
5 Donna Reed
33 Father Know's Best
49 Kartoon Karnival
8 TV Editorial-COLOR
3-21 Moment Of Fear
5-33-49 Where The Action Is
8-27 Password
3-21 Doctors
5-33-49 A Time For Us
8-27 House Party
5-33-49 ABC News-Marlene Sanders
3-21 Another World
5-33-49 General Hospital
8-27 To Tell The Truth
8 City Camera News-COLOR
27 CBS News-Douglas Edwards
3-21 You Don't Say-COLOR-Ruta Lee, John Gavin
5-33-49 Young Marrieds
8-27 Edge Of Night
3-21 Match Game-COLOR-Whitey Ford, Joe Garagiola
5 77 Sunset Strip-RETURN
8-27 Secret Storm
33-49 Trailmaster
3-21 NBC News
3 Phil Silvers (Bilko)
8 Lloyd Thaxton
21 Movie-The Brain that would'nt Die-1960
27 Movie-Sylvia Scarlet-1935
3 Movie-The Solid Gold Cadillac-1956
5 Comedy Clubhouse-COLOR
33-49 Baseball-SF Giants/LA Dodgers-Chris Schenkel, Leo Durocher, Jackie Robinson report.
8 Adventure Road-Jim Doney-COLOR
8 City Camera News-Doug Adair, Joel Daly, Houlihan (Bob Wells) Ken Coleman
21-27 News
25 What's New
3-21 NBC News-Huntley/Brinkley
5 Woody Woodpecker-COLOR
8-27 CBS News-Walter Cronkite
25 Freedom In September-Drama
3 Seventh Hour News-Bud Dancy, Carl Stern, Wally Kinnan, Jim Graner
5 News/Weather
8 Rifleman
21 Dobie Gillis
27 Marshall Dillon
5 Dorothy Fuldheim
3-21 NBC Fall Preview-Don Adams-SPECIAL COLOR (shown above)
5 To Be Announced
8-27 To Tell The Truth
3-21 Man From UNCLE
8-27 I've Got A Secret-Steve Allen
25 Born Chinese-SPECIAL
33-49 To Be Announced
5-33 No Time For Sergeants
8-27 Summer Playhouse-Unsold series pilots
49 Gospel Singing Caravan
3-21 Andy Williams-COLOR
5-33-49 Wendy And Me-Final show
8-27 Glynis-Final Show
25 Aaron Copland
5-33-49 Farmer's Daughter
8-27 Danny Thomas Show-Final show after 11 years
3-21 Alfred Hitchcock-Last Show
5-33-49 Ben Casey
8 CBS News Special-SPECIAL COLOR-"Vietnam:A Day At War"
27 Movie-The Man Behind The Gun-1953 (News at 11)
3 News-Pat Murray
5 News-Tom Field
8 News-Doug Adair, Joel Daly
3 Weather-Wally Kinnan
5 Sports-Paul Wilcox
8 Sports-John Fitzgerald
3 Sports-Jim Graner
5 Bill Jorgenson Report
8 Weather-Houlihan-COLOR
3 Merv Griffin
5 Dorothy Fuldheim
8 Movie-Beyond Glory-1948
27 Movie Continues
-From 10PM
49 Nightlife-Les Crane
5-21 Johnny Carson-Guest Host Bill Cosby-COLOR
33 Nightlife
27 Peter Gunn
3 Movie-Fighting Coast Guard-1951
5-21-33-49 News
8 Movie-Easy Living-1937
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