TV Guide Ad for the Syndicated Carol Lawrence Show on WEWS-TV 5

TV Guide Ad for the Game Show, "It Takes Two" with Vin Scully, who is still broadcasting Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball Games on TV and Radio, as he has been since 1950 when they were the Brooklyn Dodgers..an Incredible 58-year career. WKYC was airing It Takes Two on tape delay from 10AM

Ad for WKBF-61's 10PM News, anchored by the late John Herrington from 1968-70, who would make his name at WKYC-TV 3 as a field reporter from 1971-93.

Ad for Jerry Blinzely's "Outdoor Report" on WYTV-33

A TV Guide Ad, then a "Close-Up" for "Spring Thing" a "Really Together" NBC Music Special starring Noel Harrison, Formerly of "The Girl From UNCLE" and current pop star Bobbie Gentry..with guests including Rod McKuen, Goldie Hawn from Laugh-In and Petticoat Junction's Meredith MacRae. This strikes me kind of corny these days..while TV in the late 60's was trying to be oh so relevant, cool and "with it"
May 1969...A time of progress..yet a time of polarization..Man would be on the moon within 2 months, yet America was in a state of unrest, as the Vietnam War raged with no end in sight..There were riots on college campuses in California that would spread throughout the Country, culminating in the May 1970 Kent State shootings..The Smothers Brothers Show, on their last legs with CBS Network Brass because of controversial content, would be canceled June 8..
In the world of Northeast Ohio Television, Barnaby was now seen just on Saturdays on WKYC-TV 3
The Syndicated Carol Lawrence Show aired Mondays at 10PM on WEWS-5, displacing ABC
s Big Valley
As Network Primetime was just about all Color by 1966-67, well over half of all TV Shows produced locally were in color, with the notable exception of WVIZ-25 NET/PBS..Though some shows on TV 25 were in color..
Three Independents: Channel 17 in Canton, and Channels 43 and 61 in Cleveland were operating by this time..Franz was airing Daily and Sunday on TV 8..
Thursday May 1, 1969
TV Guide Cleveland
BW=Black and White
6:20 Farm Report
6:25 Education Exchange
6:55 What's Doing?
7AM Today-Guest Jack Paar
9AM Mike Douglas-Guest host Alejandro Rey (Flying Nun)
10:25 NBC News
10:30 Concentration-Hugh Downs
11AM Personality-Larry Blyden
11:30 Hollywood Squares-Peter Marshall
Noon Jeopardy!-Art Fleming
12:30 Eye Guess-Bill Cullen
1PM It Takes Two-Vin Scully
1:30 Hidden Faces
2PM Days Of Our Lives
2:30 Doctors
3PM Another World
3:30 You Don't Say!-Tom Kennedy Shari Lewis/Mickey Manners
4PM Match Game-Gene Rayburn Don Meredith/Joe Garagiola
4:25 NBC News-Floyd Kalber
4:30 Movie-Star In The Dust-1956
6PM News (Newsday 90)
6:30 NBC News-Huntley/Brinkley
7PM News
7:30 Daniel Boone
8:30 Ironside
9:30 Dragnet
10PM Jack Paar-SPECIAL
11PM News
11:30 Johnny Carson
1AM Zane Grey Theater-BW
8AM Comedy Clubhouse
8:30 Bullwinkle
9AM Cartoons
9:30 Romper Room
10AM Paige Palmer
10:30 Grahm Kerr
11AM Joan Rivers
11:30 Funny You Should Ask
Noon Bewitched
12:30 News
1PM Dream House
1:30 Let's Make A Deal
2PM Newlywed Game
2:30 Dating Game
3PM General Hospital
3:30 One Life To Live
4PM Dark Shadows
4:30 Password (Reruns of CBS Daytime-1966-67 Season)
5PM What's My Line?
5:30 News
6PM Merv Griffin
7:30 Flying Nun
8PM That Girl
8:30 Bewitched
9PM What's It All About,World?-Last Show of Series
10PM Generation Gap-ABC-Fri 8:30
10:30 Let's Make A Deal-ABC Fri 7:30
11PM News
11:30 Joey Bishop
6:30 Sunrise Semester
7AM CBS News-Joseph Benti
8AM Captain Kangaroo
9AM Franz The Toymaker
9:30 Beverly Hillbillies-BW
10AM Love Of Life-Tape Delay
10:25 News
10:30 Edge Of Night-Tape Delay
11AM Andy Griffith
11:30 Dick Van Dyke-BW
Noon News
12:30 Search For Tomorrow
1PM Divorce Court
2PM Love Is A Many Spendored Thing
2:30 Guiding Light
3PM Adventure Road-Jim Doney
3:55 News
4PM Linkletter Show-With Nichelle Nichols of Star Trek
4:30 Steve Allen Show
6PM News
6:30 CBS News-Walter Cronkite
7PM Truth Or Consequences-Bob Barker
7:30 Queen And I-Last Show
8PM Jonathan Winters
9PM CBS Movie-Madison Avenue-1962-BW
11PM News
11:25 Movie-Double Feature
1. The Actress-1954-BW
2.The Priisoner Of Shark Island-1936-BW
1PM Movie-TBA
2:30 Singing, Listening, Doing-BW
3PM Rifleman-BW
3:30 Swedish Exercises
4PM Alfred Alligator-Cartoons
5PM Laredo
6PM News
6:30 Town and Country
7:30 Movie-TBA
9PM Wagon Train
10:30 News
11PM Untouchables-BW
WFMJ-21-NBC Youngstown
7AM Today
9AM Tele-View
9:15 Cartoons
10AM It Takes Two-Vin Scully
10:25 NBC News
11AM Personality-Larry Blyden
11:30 Hollywood Squares-Peter Marshall
Noon Jeopardy!-Art Fleming
12:30 Eye Guess-Bill Cullen
1PM Graham Kerr
1:30 Hidden Faces
2PM Days Of Our Lives
2:30 Doctors
3PM Another World
3:30 You Don't Say!-Tom Kennedy Shari Lewis/Mickey Manners
4PM Match Game-Gene Rayburn Don Meredith/Joe Garagiola
4:25 NBC News-Floyd Kalber
4:30 Gilligan's Island
5PM Man From UNCLE
6PM News
6:30 NBC News-Huntley/Brinkley
7PM I Love Lucy
7:30 Daniel Boone
8:30 Ironside
9:30 Dragnet
10PM Jack Paar-SPECIAL
11PM News
11:30 Johnny Carson
WAKR-23-ABC Akron
9:30 Bullwinkle
10AM Jack La Lanne
10:30 Women's Page
11:30 Ann Sothern (1958-61)-BW
Noon Bewitched
12:30 Funny You Should Ask
12:55 Children's Doctor
1PM Dream House
1:30 Let's Make A Deal
2PM Newlywed Game
2:30 Dating Game
3PM General Hospital
3:30 One Life To Live
4PM Dark Shadows
4:30 Western Star Theatre-BW
5PM Lone Ranger-BW
5:30 News
6PM ABC News-Peter Jennings
6:30 Cheynne-BW
7:30 Flying Nun
8PM That Girl
8:30 Bewitched
9PM What's It All About,World?-Last Show of Series
10PM Movie-I Married A Witch-1942
11:30 Joey Bishop
4:45 Friendly Giant-BW
5PM Yoga For Health-BW
5:30 Kindergarten-Joyce Marron-BW
6PM Misterogers
6:30 Bridge-BW
7PM How To Use Accounting-BW
7:30 Living In Society-BW
8PM NET Playhouse
9:30 Washington Week In Review
10PM NET Special-Senate hearing on Funding for the Corporation For Public Broadcasting, which reselted in the Founding of PBS in 1970.
10:30 Busy Knitter
WKBN-27-CBS Youngstown
6:30 Sunrise Semester
7AM CBS News-Joseph Benti
8AM Captain Kangaroo
9AM Romper Room
9:30 FYI-BW
9:45 Classroom
10AM Search For Tomorrow-Tape Delayed
10:30 As The World Turns-Tape Delayed
11AM Andy Griffith
11:30 Dick Van Dyke
Noon Love Of Life
12;25 CBS News-Douglas Edwards
12:30 News
12:35 Movie-Smoke Signal-1955-BW
2PM Love Is A Many Spendored Thing
2:30 Guiding Light
3PM Secret Storm
3:30 Edgfe Of Night
4PM Linkletter Show-With Nichelle Nichols of Star Trek
4:30 Merv Griffin
6PM News
6:30 CBS News
7PM Truth Or Consequences-Bob Barker
7:30 Queen And I-Last Show
8PM Jonathan Winters
9PM CBS Movie-Madison Avenue-1962-BW
11PM News
11:25 Movie-Meet Me After The Show-1951-BW
WYTV-33-ABC Youngstown
8AM Cartoons
8:30 Movie-Assignment:Redhead-English-1957-BW
10AM Lucille Ball-CBS Network Showing-Not cleared by Channel 27
10:30 Beverly Hillbillies-CBS-Not Cleared by Channel 27
11AM Carol Duvall-5 minutes-long befor her appearances on Morning Exchange and her Cable Shows on HGTV
11:05 Dateline:Youngstown-BW
11:30 News-BW
Noon Bewitched
12:30 Funny You Should Ask
12:55 Children's Doctor
1PM Dream House
1:30 Let's Make A Deal
2PM Newlywed Game
2:30 Dating Game
3PM General Hospital
3:30 One Life To Live
4PM Dark Shadows
4:30 Cartoons
5:30 Outdoor Report-BW
6PM Mike Douglas
7:30 Flying Nun
8PM That Girl
8:30 Bewitched
9PM What's It All About,World?-Last Show of Series
10PM What Generation Gap?-BW
10:30 Black Perspectives-BW
11PM News-BW
11:30 Joey Bishop
Comment:Apparently all of 33's local shows were still in Black and White on this late date.
WUAB-43 Lorain-Cleveland
Noon Cartoons
12:30 Jetsons
1PM Lucille Ball-CBS
1:30 Farmer's Daughter-BW
2PM Movie-Background To Danger-1943-BW
3:30 Bugs Bunny
4:30 Astroboy-BW
5PM Speed Racer
5:30 Batman-Adam West
6PM Gidget
6:30 Patty Duke-BW
7PM Gilligan's Island-BW
7:30 I Spy
8:30 Movie-The President's Lady-1953-BW
10:20 Untouchables-BW
11:20 Naked City-BW
WKBF-61 Cleveland
11:30 Jack La Lanne
Noon Cartoons
1PM Movie-An Annapolis Story-1955-BW
3PM Mister Ed-BW
3:30 Cartoons
4:30 Eighth Man
5PM Dennis The Menace-BW
5:30 Flintstones
6PM My Favorite Martian-BW
6:30 F Troop-BW
7PM I Love Lucy-BW
7:30 Pay Cards!-Art James-Guest:Alan Alda
8PM Perry Mason-BW
9PM Donald O'Connor-First Hour
10PM News-John Herrington
10:30 Donald O'Connor-Last Half-Hour
11PM One Step beyond-BW
11:30 Movie-The Evil Eye-Italian 1962-BW
From a Big Chuck and Lil John "Oldies Night":
Jim Doney with a "Special Version" of "Adventure Road." with "The World's Foremost expert on the Continent of Africa"..This shows what may well have been the opening of Adventure Road in 1969..Though I know this opening was at least used as late as 1971.
Interesting that under WAKR's listing, Peter Jennings was still apparently the main anchor for ABC's evening newscast... because it was Frank Reynolds' job. And before that, Bob Young.
ReplyDeletePeter volutarily left the anchor desk in 1967 to go to the Mideast to burnish his journalistic credentials, and also to prevent ABC from the embarrassment of firing him.
In fact, WAKR-TV was probably the ONLY ABC-TV affiliate in Ohio that cleared ABC's evening newscast by 1969. Which explains the 6:00PM start time. ABC couldn't-and-didn't-even-want-to compete with Huntley/Brinkly or Cronkite, so they fed it to their small-market affiliates half an hour earlier.
But from what I've seen, WAKR-TV didn't even try to carry the first Peter stint...
- Nathan Obral
In the late 60s, ABC almost went back to where it was in the early 50s. At that time, I didn't watch many ABC shows myself except sports. WEWS did not carry ABC's evening news, and likewise I would listen to any local newscast but 5 at the time.
ReplyDeleteIt makes sense that WYTV would've been B&W in this period - as based on the DXPhotos site (which has several screencaps over the years), the color WYTV test pattern, based on the way the colors look, plus the positioning of the text, give away that that particular pattern was made out in the early to mid-1970's, per: