TV Guide Closeup of Thanksgiving Parade Coverage

"Barnaby Goes to Plymouth" A KYW-TV Special starring of course, Barnaby {Linn Sheldon) featuring an reenactment of the first Thanksgiving..Filmed on location at Plymouth, Mass. and aired Thanksgiving night. The special was scheduled to be rebroadcast Saturday, November 23, 1963 at 7:30PM but presumably John F. Kennedy assasination coverage preempted/canceled it..
Cleveland Radio DJ(WNCX)/Broadcast historian Mike Olszewski recently uncovered this special, presumed "lost" for years..and Showed it to a warm, appreciative crowd October 19, 2008 at Ghoulardifest IV at the Holiday Inn, Independence, Ohio..In accordance with the wishes of the Linn Sheldon Family, it was only shown once, and there are no current plans to release it on DVD..

"The Pat Boone Show"..A Thanksgiving Day Special Variety hour featuring Patti Paige, Peter, Paul and Mary, Elaine Dunn and Phil Harris, in a rare TV appearance. This special was unusual in that it aired at 5:30 PM ET on NBC (WFMJ-21 Youngstown and WSEE-35 Erie, Pa.)

TV Guide Ad for the Dale Young Show, WJW-TV's attempt to create a local variety show similar to Channel 3's Mike Douglas and Channel 5's One O Clock Club..The show lasted from Fall 1962 to Spring 1963. Question:One of the gentlemen in the ad in obviously Dale Young, but who is the other guy in the picture?..Perhaps Jim Doney? He had been a cohost of this show with Young..
A brief look at Thanksgiving Day, 1962.The Thanksgiving Day Parades were "coordinated" by Bud Palmer and Chris Schenkel for NBC and Bob Keeshan (Captain Kangaroo) for CBS. There was plenty of Football on the Three Networks..CBS had Green Bay at Detroit (when the Lions were actually competetive)..ABC carried the AFL New York Titans at Denver Broncos game..CBS also had the Texas A&M/Texas College Football Game.
There was a Barnaby Prime Time special, as noted in the above ad..In a different twist this time, I will include Erie and Toledo Programs in the listings below..
A special treat for the holiday..Gordon MacRae and 10 year old daughter Meredith singing "Count Your Bessings" on the NBC-TV Colgate Comedy Hour Thursday, November 28, 1954. Meredith MacRae grew up to become "Billie Jo Bradley" on Petticoat Junction, as well as appearing on many Game Shows and hosting a local talk show in Los Angeles..She passed away in 2000..Courtesy IraRona
Very recently found this, courtesy muttley16 at YouTube..The Original Prologue and opening titles for "Mouse On The Mayflower," A Rankin/Bass produced NBC animated special first shown in 1968..The Theme is sung by Tennessee Ernie Ford, who also stars in the special..I was fortunate to tape this special in a 1991 syndicated showing on WJW-TV 8..I consuider this cartoon a minor classic..
I would also like to take this time to wish the readers a Blessed and safe Thanksgiving Holiday..
TV Guide Listings
Thursday, November 22, 1962
6:20 News
6:25 Farm Fare
6:30 Columbia Lectures
7AM Today-Hugh Downs
8:30 Movie-Tom Sawyer 1938-SPECIAL
10AM Macy's Parade-SPECIAL COLOR
Noon News
12:30 Mike Douglas
2PM Merv Griffin-COLOR
3PM Loretta Young
3:30 Young Dr. Malone
4PM Make Room For Daddy
4:30 Barnaby, Popeye and Friends
5:05 Movie-Little Colonel 1935
6:30 News-Bill Jorgensen
6:40 Weather-Dick Goddard
6:45 Huntley-Brinkley
7PM Yogi Bear
7:30 Barnaby Goes To Plymouth-SPECIAL
8:30 Dr. Kildare
9:30 Hazel-COLOR
10PM Andy Williams-COLOR
11PM News-Jorgensen
11:10 Weather-Goddard
11:15 Steve Allen-Guests Tim Conway and Molly Bee
12:45 Movie-Alias a Gentleman 1948
8:55 News
9AM Cartoons
10AM Paige Palmer
11AM June Allyson
11:30 Yours For A Song-Bert Parks
Noon News-Randy Culver
12:10 Noon Show-Captain Penny
1PM One O Clock Club
2:30 Seven Keys
3PM AFL Football-NY Titans at Denver Broncos-Curt Gowdy, Paul Christman(NY Titans won 46-45)
5:45 Scoreboard-Paul Wilcox
6PM Captain Penny
6:20 Mr. Jingeling
6:30 Dorothy Fuldheim
6:45 News-Tom Field
6:55 Weather-Carolyn Johnson
7PM Ensign O' Toole (NBC) Guest Harry Morgan
7:30 Ozzie and Harriet
8PM Donna Reed
8:30 Leave It To Beaver
9PM My Three Sons
9:30 Mchale'a Navy
10PM Alcoa Premiere
11PM News-Tom Field, Joel Daly
11:15 Tonight-Johnny Carson-COLOR
1AM News
6:50 Meditation
6:55 News
7AM College of the Air
7:30 Rex Humbard
7:45 Clutch Cargo-Cartoons
8AM Captain Kangaroo
9AM B'Wana Don
10AM Thanksgiving Parades-Toronto, Detroit, Philadelphia
11:30 Sidelines-Bob Neal
11:45 Best of the Browns
Noon NFL Football-Green Bay At Detroit (Detoit Won 26-14)
3PM College Football-Terxas A&M at Texas-Terry Brennan, Jim Simpson (Texas won 13-3)
5:20 Scoreboard-Ken Armstrong
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
6PM News-Ken Armstrong
6:05 Film Feature
6:55 Weather-Howard Hoffman
6:57 TV Editorial-Norman Wagy (How TV Guide listed it)
7PM City Camera-Doug Adair
7:10 Sports-John Fitzgerald
7:15 CBS News-Walter Cronkite
7:30 Mr. Ed
8PM Perry Mason
9PM The Nurses
10PM Adventures In Paradise-Syndicated Rerun-Instead of Alfred Hitchcock
11PM News-Warren Guthrie
11:10 City Report-Adair
11:15 TV Editorial-Wagy
11:18 Sports-Fitzgerald
11:23 Movie-Man Who Came To Dinner 1941
1:33 Code Of The Secret Service-1939
7:30 Comedy Carnival
8AM Captain Kangaroo
9AM Romper Room
10AM Macty's Parade-NBC
Noon Movie-Tom Sawyer 1938 (Same as shown on KYW-3 at 9AM)
1:20 Movie-Rulers of the Sea 1939
3PM College Football-Texas A&M/Texas
5:45 Movie-Rebel In Town-1956
6:25 Quick Draw McGraw
7PM News-Gordon Ward
7:15 News-John Saunders
7:30 Mr. Ed
8PM Perry Mason
9PM Real McCoys (CBS Sun. 9PM)
9:30 Hazel-NBC-COLOR
10PM Dr. Kildare (NBC Thurs. 8:30)
11PM News
11:30 Movie-A Lady Without a Passport 1950
7:20 Prayer For Today
7:25 Farm Report
7:30 Today-NBC (For some reason, 13 only carried 90 minutes)
9AM Camouflage-Don Morrow-ABC
9:25 Movie-Love Finda Andy Hardy 1938
11AM June Allyson
11:30 Yours For A Song-Bert Parks
Noon Movie-Larceny Inc. 1942 (Preempts Tennessee Ernie Ford)
1:30 Movie-Pied Piper of Hamelin 1957
3PM AFL Football-Titans/Broncos
5:45 ABC All Pro Scoreboard-Bob Wolff, Pat Hernon
6PM Deadline-Toledo News
7PM Wanted, Dead Or Alive
7:30 Ozzie and Harriet
8PM Donna Reed
8:30 Leave It To Beaver
9PM My Three Sons
9:30 King Of Diamonds-Broderick Crawford
10PM Premiere
11PM News-Warren Guthrie
11:10 News-Toledo
11:15 Weather (normally a TV Editorial at 11:20, but probably took the night off)
11:30 Tonight-Johnny Carson-COLOR
1AM Prayer For Today
Erie, Pa.
7:30 News
7:45 Cartoons
8AM News
8:30 Yoga For Health
9AM TV Enriches Learning
9:30 Movie-Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1939
11AM Jane Wyman Show
11:30 Yours For A Song-Bert Parks
Noon Tennessee Ernie Ford
12:30 Father Knows Best
1PM Best Of Groucho
1:30 Classroom
2PM Day In Court
2:30 Seven Keys
3PM AFL Football-NY Titans at Denver Broncos-Curt Gowdy, Paul Christman(NY Titans won 46-45)
5:45 ABC All Pro Scoreboard-Bob Wolff, Pat Hernon
6PM Huckleberry Hound
6:30 News
6:45 ABC News-Ron Cochran
7PM Ozzie And Harriet (ABC Thurs. 7:30)
7:30 Hennessey
8PM Donna Reed
8:30 Leave It To Beaver
9PM My Three Sons
9:30 Mchale'a Navy
10PM Alcoa Premiere
11PM News
11:30 Movie-Mrs. Miniver 1942
7:30 College Of The Air
8AM Today-NBC (1 hour only)
9AM Captain Kangaroo
10AM Thanksgiving Parades-Toronto, Detroit, Philadelphia
Noon NFL Football-Green Bay At Detroit (Detoit Won 26-14)
3PM College Football-Terxas A&M at Texas-Terry Brennan, Jim Simpson (Texas won 13-3)
5:30 Pat Boone Special-NBC-COLOR
6:30 Today's Golf Tips
6:40 News-Jim Dewart
6:45 CBS News-Walter Cronkite
7PM Broken Arrow-Western
7:30 Mr. Ed
8PM Perry Mason
9PM The Nurses
10PM Alfred Hitchcock
11PM News
11:25 Magic Moments In Sports
11:30 Tonight-Johnny Carson-COLOR
7AM Today
9AM People Are Funny
9:30 Leave It To The Girls
10AM Macy's Parade-COLOR
Noon Your First Impression-COLOR-Pamel:Inger Stevens, Paul Winchell, Larry Storch, Dennis James, and George Kirgo
12:30 Truth Or Consequences-Bob Barker
1PM News
1:15 Kitchen Corner-Mariner
2PM Merv Griffin-COLOR
3PM Loretta Young
3:30 Young Dr. Malone
4PM Make Room For Daddy
4:30 Here's Hollywood
4:55 NBC News-Sander Vanocur
5PM Film Feature
5;30 Pat Boone Special-COLOR
6:30 News
6:45 Huntley-Brinkley
7PM The Deputy
7:30 Bell Telephone Hour-COLOR SPECIAL Guests:John Raitt, Mahalia Jackson, Martha Wright, Poet Carl Sandburg
8:30 Dr. Kildare
9:30 Hazel-COLOR
10PM Andy Williams-COLOR
11PM News
11:30 Tonight-Carson-COLOR
7:25 College Of The Air
7:55 News
8AM Captain Kangaroo
9AM Romper Room
10AM Thanksgiving Parades-Toronto, Detroit, Philadelphia
Noon NFL Football-Green Bay At Detroit (Detoit Won 26-14)
3PM College Football-Terxas A&M at Texas-Terry Brennan, Jim Simpson (Texas won 13-3)
5:45 College Football Scoreboard
6PM Huckleberry Hound
6:30 News
6:45 CN+BS News-Cronkite
7PM Roving Camera-Stu Wilson
7:30 Mr. Ed
8PM Perry Mason
9PM The Nurses
10PM Alfred Hitchcock
11PM News-Warren Guthrie
11:10 Local News-Ken Thomas
11:15 Sports-Don Gardner
11:25 Movie Thundering Jets 1958
9AM Kartoon Showtime
10:30 Yoga For Health
11AM Jane Wyman Show
11:30 Yours For A Song-Bert Parks
Noon Tennessee Ernie Ford
12:30 Father Knows Best
1PM Movie-Miss Annie Rooney 1942
2:30 Seven Keys
3PM AFL Football-NY Titans at Denver Broncos-Curt Gowdy, Paul Christman(NY Titans won 46-45)
5:45 ABC All Pro Scoreboard-Bob Wolff, Pat Hernon
6PM Hopalong Cassidy
6:30 News
6:45 ABC News-Cochran
7PM Wanted-Dead Or Alive
7:30 Ozzie and Harriet
8PM Donna Reed
8:30 Leave It To Beaver
9PM My Three Sons
9:30 Mchale'a Navy
10PM Alcoa Premiere
11PM ABC News-Bill Shadel
11:25 Movie-The Keys of the Kingdom 1944
9:55 News
10AM Passport To Danger
10:30 High School Football-Probably the Akron City Series Championshp Game at the Rubber Bowl..
1PM Movie-A Guy Named Joe Part 1
2PM Day In Court
2:30 Seven Keys
3PM AFL Football-NY Titans at Denver Broncos-Curt Gowdy, Paul Christman(NY Titans won 46-45)
5:45 ABC All Pro Scoreboard-Bob Wolff, Pat Hernon
6PM Civic Forum of the Air
6:30 It's In The Bag
6:40 Sports-Bob Wylie
6:45 ABC News-Cochran
7PM News-Jack Fitzgibbons
7:15 Weather-Bill McKay
7:20 Talk Of The Town
7:30 Movie-The Marx Brothers At The Circus 1939
9PM My Three Sons
9:30 Interpol Calling-Police
10PM Alcoa Premiere
11PM ABC News-Shadel
11:10 Local News
11:15 Movie-Faithful In My Fashion 1946