From TV Today January 1953:"Impact Television" ad for the 6-7PM weeknight WNBK offerings, including Tom Manning, who goes back to the 1930's at WTAM/WNBK

From December, 1952 TV Today:Ad for the "Ladies Shows" on WNBK-TV. Mildred and Gloria were also on WTAM Radio for a number of years..Gloria Brown was at channel 4, then channel 3 until the early 60's..

Full 2-Page TV Guide ad from 1953 showing the nightly at 6PM westerns block on WNBK-4. In the early years of television, western shorts were a staple of programming on just about all channels.
Second of a series on WKYC-TV's 60th anniversary..focusing more on the early 1950's.
As we said earlier, The first early-morning TV programming in Cleveland premiered January 14, 1952, with the debut of Dave Garroway's Today Show on NBC..Channel 4 was becoming established as Cleveland's "Community Station" with a lot of local programming..News was still an afterthought, with only Camel News Caravan and a five minute report at 6:45 and 11PM weeknights. Most everything was live, as announcers like Jay Miltner and Tom Haley did some newsbreaks and hosted shows throughout the weekdays at Channel 4..
Below is the programming schedule for April 19-25, 1952 for WNBK..About a year before upping their power and changing from Channel 4 to Channel 3..
Saturday, April 19, 1952
2PM Zorro Rides Again
2:30 Robinson Crusoe
3PM Red Ryder-Series
4PM Hopalong Cassidy
5PM Wild Bill Hickok
5:30 Youth Wants to Know
6PM Cisco Kid
6:30 WNBK Presents
7PM Lone Ranger
7:30 One Man's Family
8PM All Star Revue-Jimmy Durante, Bette Davis
9PM Your Show of Shows
10:30 Your Hit Parade
11PM Celluloid Playhouse
Midnight News
12:15 Dagmar's Canteen
Sunday, April 20, 1952
Noon NBC Symphony
1PM Frontiers of Faith
1:30 American Inventory
2PM Battle Report (Korea)
2:30 American Forum of the Air
3PM Fairmeadows USA-Serial
3:30 TV Recital Hall
4PM Meet The Press
4;30 To Be Announced
5PM Zoo Parade
5:30 Meet the Masters-Music
6PM Roy Rogers
6:30 Magic Gate
7PM Royal TV Showcase
7:30 Young Mr. Bobbin
8PM Colgate Comedy Hour
9PM Philco Television Playhouse
10PM Red Skelton
10:30 To Be Announced
11PM Feature Film-Mainline Theatre
Midnight World News
Daily-Monday-Friday April 21-25, 1952
7AM Today-According to TV Today, including national and local segments by Tom Haley, Today was three hours long..I suspect the Haley segments were called "Ohio Today" and the 9-10 hour was hosted by Haley in Cleveland-This was Today's fourth month on the air..
10AM Home Cooking-Louise Winslow
10:30 Winner Take All-Bill Cullen
11AM Charming Children
11:30 It's A Problem-Discussion
Noon Ruth Lyons' 50 Club- Brief NBC National version of what became a Cincinnati Institution..
12:30 Idea Shop-Mildred (Funnell) and Gloria (Brown)
1PM One O Clock Playhouse
2:30 Living Fashion-Maggie Byrne
3PM Big Payoff-Randy Merriman, Bess Myerson
3:30 Ralph Edwards
4PM Kate Smith Hour
5PM Hawkins Falls
5:15 Gabby Hayes
5:30 Howdy Doody
6PM Buckskin Billy
6:45 Today's News
6:50 Around The House-Ken Ward
7PM Kukla Fran and Ollie
7:15 MWF-Goldbergs
Tuesday-Bob and Ray
Thursday-Ilka Chase
7:30 MWF Those Two
TTh Dinah Shore
7:45 Camel News Caravan-John Cameron Swayze
Prime Time
Monday April 21, 1952
8PM Paul Winchell
8:30 Voice Of Firestone
9PM Lights Out
9:30 Robert Montgomery Presents
10:30 Who Said That-Quiz
11PM Front Page News
11:05 Sports Scene
11:10 Hollywood Theatre
Midnight-Final Edition
Tuesday, April 22, 1952
8PM Texaco Star Theater-Milton Berle
9PM Fireside Theatre
9:30 Armstrong Circle Theatre
10PM Original Amateur Hour-Ted Mack
10:45 Bob Considine
11PM Front Page News
11:05 Sports Scene
11:10 Hollywood Theatre
Midnight Final Edition
Wednesday April 23, 1952
8PM Kate Smith Evening Hour
9PM Kraft Television Theatre
10PM Your Prize Story
10:30 WNBK Presents Speak Up
11PM Front Page News
11:05 Sports Scene
11:10 Hollywood Theatre
Midnight-Final Edition
Thursday April 24, 1952
8PM You Bet Your Life
8:30 Treasury Men in Actiom
9PM Dragnet On TV (How it was listed)
9:30 James Melton
10PM Martin Kane, Private Eye
10:30 TV Star Spotlight
11PM Front Page News
11:05 Sports Scene
11:10 Hollywood Theatre
Midnight-Final Edition
Friday, April 25, 1952
8PM Ezio Pinza
8:30 We, The People
9PM Big Story
9:30 Aldrich Family
10PM Gilette Cavalcade of Sports-Boxing
10:45 Greatest Fights
11PM Front Page News
11:05 Teleplay
11:35 Hollywood Theatre
Midnight-Final Edition
From Channel 3:50 Golden Years:Features on the early days of live TV with Tom Haley and host Del Donahoo..Carrying over to the Westinghouse Years..Material Copyright National Broadcasting Company, Westinghouse and Gannett
Our final 2 posts of this series will be Encore postings of earlier KYW/WKYC articles to round out the 60 year WKYC series..Also soon I will have a Ghoulardifest review and a Big Chuck! Book review..
One of the bigger thrills I had was working with Barnaby aka Linn Sheldon at WERE NewsTalk 1300. We missed each other by a few months when he initially did a radio stint at WSUM 1000. I came a little later doing radio news documentaries for the station. However, we had a chance to work together at WERE. Funny little story here. Dorothy McIntyre was one of our reporters at the station and she was interested in a lunch date with Linn, however, she was too shy to approach him herself - so she sent me in to ask for her during a commercial. Here I am walking into an on-air studio trying to make a lunch date between Linn 'Barnaby' Sheldon and a news reporter. Sort of a surreal moment for someone who watched Barnaby as a young child! Linn told me he had no problem and went to lunch with Dorothy McIntyre. Then again, when I was at WEWS TV 5, sometimes Dorothy Fuldheim would share a sandwich with me in her office off the reception area. Wish I could go back to those days!-) - Andrew Boggs, BA