Monday, February 14, 2011

Thanks to Jerry Immel...

Jerry Immel at WCNS-900 Canton in 1962..

Jerry Immel with friend Gordon Ward in 2007..Ward, who later spent many years at WTOL-TV 11 Toledo, is featured on some KYW Radio-TV clips in the Immel collection..

Hello folks:

When I started the blog nearly 4 years ago now, I was completely clueless on how to scan pictures, or to present audio and video in a form that people could enjoy..It has been a long learning process for me, but as of February 2011, I think I finally have it down (hopefully)..

In 2008 a man who I first learned about through, Jerry Immel, was kind enough to send me on a CD loads of audio clips from roughly 1955-66 that he had recorded off live tv and radio..Included in these were sign-offs from stations all over Ohio, as well as Pittsburgh and Wheeling areas..Also other rarities such as tv commercials and one complete half hour live music TV show with Bill Randle from March 1956 on WEWS Channel 5..Immel has worked as an announcer at WJER Dover, WCNS Canton, WEWS-TV 5 and for many years at WQXI in Atlanta..He still is doing voiceoiver work at his own studio in Atlanta, where he lives with his wife Althea..

While I was enjoying these Ive shared them sparingly because early on it took me a LONG time to get even one clip done for YouTube or Dailymotion. As i've recently bought a new computer and found the Windows Media Maker version I like to use, sharing clips has been much easier..I plan on putting up everything Mr. Immel has sent me over the next little while..Including parts of program logs and other photos from Jerry's Channel 5 days as a part time summer announcer in 1966-1967..

Cleveland Indians 10th Inning ad and opening from about 1956-57 with Bob Neal and Tom Manning

1950's Cleveland station id's and sign-offs

1950's and 60's Akron-Canton and Pittsburgh-Wheeling area id's, along with other small town Ohio stations..some TV is included here as well..

I want to thank Jerry for sharing these rarities with us..Especially the Cleveland TV audio clips, which I will be presenting soon..For being done in the 50's, the sound is excellent. For what we've done already, I'd like to credit Eric O'Brien's Pittsburgh Radio/TV Board for some of the pictures used in the slides above..Thanks is in our links..Some of our next few posts will feature Jerry's material..

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