Thursday, January 29, 2009

A request for help:Ernie Anderson Documentary on PBS 45/49-Western Reserve Public Media

Sign that was on Cleveland Transit buses for a time..Courtesy the Ghoulardi Store..

Ad for Manners' Big Ghoulardi..Courtesy TV

Some Classic Ghoulardi Bits

Good Morning:
Just last night I received an email from Phil Hoffman, Akron Univ. professor and documentary producer for PBS 45/49 in Kent/Akron/ Youngstown. He is working on a local Ernie Anderson documentary..Here is the email he sent me..

Dear Tim:

I am a professor at The University of Akron and I also produce documentaries for PBS 45/49 in Kent. I am currently working on a doc about Ernie Anderson's days as Ghoulardi here in Northeast Ohio.

I am writing to ask if you could share this with your readers...I am looking for anyone who might be interested in talking to me on-camera for the doc if they were a Ghoulardi fan, if they ever went to see the All Stars play, if they ever drank from the now-infamous Ghoulardi mugs from Manners.

In fact, if they have any info or memories at all about Ghoulardi, or Ernie, I would like to hear from them. They can email me at the address below....

Dr. Phil Hoffman

This should be an awesome special once it is done..I am sure Mr. Hoffman would appreciate any memories from Ghoulardi fans..


  1. Those Manners Big Ghoulardis were fun to drink. Ernie's golden voice lives forever.

  2. As a transit buff, I'm curious if that jaywalking ad ever shod up on Shaker Rapid cars also.
