Thursday, October 30, 2008

Big Chuck! Book Review

Cover of "Big Chuck! Courtesy Gray and Company

Back Jacket of "Big Chuck!" Courtesy Gray and Company

Tonight I'd like to review "Big Chuck! My Favorite Stories from 47 years on Cleveland TV" Published by Gray and Company, publishers of many books about Cleveland and it's personalities in the last several years. Written by "Big Chuck" Schodowski with Cleveland Plain Dealer Columnnist Tom Feran..

The Book reads as if Big Chuck is sitting next to a group of friends, having a cup of coffee or other favorite beverage. He tells of being a sickly youngster, growing up in the lower middle class Harvard/East 71st street neighborhood in Cleveland. He gained a good work ethic early in life delivering the Cleveland News, then the Press, before he was a teenager..

He tells of working in a Foundry for 8 years, befriending his black co-workers, who gave him appreciation for Jazz and Blues Music, which would be a hallmark of his early work on "Ghoulardi"

Realizing he ddint want to work in the Foundry for his whole adult life, Chuck took his first class radio license classes, one day a week for 3 years, Leading to a summer job as a Camera Operator for KYW-TV 3 in 1960. Despite some early mishaps, he won the respect of his TV 3 co-workers by the end of the summer. He was recommended for an engineer's job at WJW-TV 8. The bulk of the book, of course is about his career at TV 8, where he says he never was told he was a permanent employee.

Chuck tells of his special relationship with Ernie "Ghoulardi" Anderson, working behind the scenes with Bob Soinski..Contributing to the "Ghoulardi Show" from 1963-66
when Ernie left for California..The Ghoulardi/Big Chuck/Lil John All Stars when everybody had a good time, or else..LOL..some wild stories there..

Then to the Hoolihan/Big Chuck years, the skts (2000 produced over the years)..Celebrities Chuck worked with, that respected Chuck, even in doing silly things..Becoming producer/director at TV 8, even doing movies for Storer Television..

There are very good pictures throughout the book all put in their proper conterxt..
The Gray Co. description says that Chuck's writing style is "Cleveland to the Bone".
Very good description of Big Chuck, who says in the Introducktion he was "Born and Died in Cleveland"

This is an excellent book, especially if you are a fan of the WJW-TV 8 Horror Host tradition spanning 44 years..If one is just a fan of Local Television. this is a book you wont be able to put down. As much as Chuck told, there seems to be so much more he could tell in a second volume..

Website of Gray and Company:

Look over some of their other books..A lot of Interesting Cleveland/Northeast Ohio subjects..

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jan Jones-City Camera Weather-December 1976

Here, from December 23, 1976, is Jan Jones (known then as Jan Paulich Jones) hosting 6PM City Camera Weather..With her are Jim Hale, Jeff Maynor and Jim Mueller on Sports..Ms. Jones' Smiling face has been on Cleveland TV for over 30 years..She was on the Morning Exchange at WEWS-TV 5 from about 1979-87 with Fred Griffith (now on TV 3's Good Company) and the late Joel Rose.and had also been a cohost of Channel 8's PM Magazine with Michael Stanley. Notice Jan's dress..very 70's style..classy..

Notice also the Weather dials..Old fashioned in the age of radars and weather satellites. Thanks to Videoholic 50's-70's (Ray Glasser) for this nice clip..

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ghoulardifest Report

Bob "Hoolihan" Wells with son Bob Wells, Jr. Compliments member Midwave

My wife Linda and I with "Big Chuck" Schodowski

With "Lil John" Rinaldi

Just wanted to give a report on the Ghoulardifest October 17-19. It was a big success..I finally got to meet 3 men who have become heroes to me..Big Chuck Schodowski, Lil John Rinaldi and Bob "Hoolihan" Wells..They were there the entire weekend, and it was awesome..I was always told they were very approchable and friendly to fans, and that is so true..They do not act the "TV Star"..Very refreshing in this day and age..

There were lots of dealer tables, and despite the potential "horror tv" angle on
everything, it was all very much family friendly. Big Chuck's book was introduced that weekend, and is selling well on review of "Big Chuck" will be forthcoming soon..

There were several question/answer sessions, moderated by "Doktor Goulfinger". a California Horror Host/historian as well as stories by Chuck, John and Hoolihan..They were among the highlights of the fest..
A special time Friday Night was sharing in Bob Wells' 75th Birthday celebration..

Saturday Morning was a recreation of a Skit "Readings By Robert" With Bob Wells and Chuck..

Aside from the book...There are 2 more new DVD's that Big Chuck is selling..

"Oldies Only" 1968 Hooli-Chuck Awards
1979 Last Hoolihan Show
1979 First Lil John Show..(No movies)

The 1968 Show is special because..The Show was moved to Saturdays September 28, 1968. The Channel 8 Program Director wanted the show to die on Saturdays so he could cancel it..Parts of skits from 1966-68 are here in an "award show" format. Within weeks the resulting controversy moved the show back to Fridays.

Big Chuck and Lil John Holiday Specials
3 Holiday Specials (Summer, Halloween, Christmas) from Fox 8 in the 1990's-38 skits in all..

More Info..

I have to credit the folks at the website, who did a lot of the Festival organizing, and especially Promoter Ron Garsteck, who put it all together..There is already talk about Ghoulardifest 2009..We'll keep you updated..

Personal note:It was great to meet Mike and Kris While and family, as well as several of the regulars..

Compliments Hugo Sleestak..Saturday Ghoulardifest Opening..Emcee is Jim Szymanski

Recreation of "Readings By Robert" with Hoolihan and Big Chuck. Chuck relates how they did this once on the air....Live..Because Chuck and Hoolie were mad at the TV 8 General Manager..Chuck said they would just deny it, because it wasnt on tape..
Also compliments Hugo Sleestak..

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Encore:NBC Returns to Cleveland June 19, 1965

Editors Note:Another Encore posting:NBC Comes back to Cleveland..Originally posted August 23, 2007..With some video below

The changing of the guard..The removal of the KYW sign at WKYC-TV's Studios at 1403 E. 6th St., Downtown Cleveland (Courtesy Cleveland Press)

A TV Guide Ad from November 1967 picturing(Top)Chet Huntley and David Brinkey (Bottom) Virgil Dominic, Wally Kinnan and Jim Graner, TV 3's main news team from I believe late 1965-1974 (There was a news note saying Dominic would replace Bud Dancy in November 1965)The first post-Westinghouse logo is featured prominently..I never cared much for the "artisitc clown" in this logo..

New Note (10-25-08):In doing recent research, I find that the "artistic clown" had a name.."Threezy" Lame...

The next installment in what has become a series focuses on the "New" WKYC-TV 3 in Cleveland. Cleveland Plain Dealer TV writer James Flanagan talks to New General Manager Arthur Watson as NBC is about to take over the Cleveland TV/Radio facilites. Watson discloses hopes and plans for the new NBC Owned and Operated Station.

It's WKYC Now


By James Flanagan
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Friday, June 18, 1965

Sixteen men from Philadelphia arrived here yesterday to change KYW to WKYC. Their leader said he is not about to rock the KYW image here.

It is Arthur Watson, general manager of the former Philadelphia WRCV, which the FCC ordered the National Broadcasting Co. to swap for Westinghouse Broadcasting's KYW. Watson is g.m. of WKYC now.

"Our new call letters seek to preserve KYW's image in that they mean KY Cleveland." Watson told the Plain Dealer. "We want all KYW personnel to stay on here, including Jimmy Runyon."

Runyon is the "mom-slot" (10AM-2PM) deejay on the 1100kc spot. Almost a year ago a Chicago station (WCFL) wooed Jim with much money and he has been trying to break his contract here to go there.

KYW had the biggest broadcast news operation here, employing 33 in its combined Radio/TV operation, in contrast to WEWS and WJW's less than 20 each.

"News is my primary interest." said Watson. "we employed about 30 full-time newsmen in Philadelphia and I expect to continue a big news operation here. Our news ratings in Philadelphia doubled the combined ratings of the competition and it pays off."

Watson said the rock'n'roll music policy of KYW would be continued with its Beatle countdowns and all. "We are the only NBC station to offer such a program." He said "but that is what Cleveland wants from us and that is what we will continue to give. We also intend to expand the public service offerings on both radio and TV."

"The Mike Douglas Show" will continue to air from Cleveland, though it is a Westinghouse property, at least through August. "it will take some time for studios to be built for Mike in Philadelphia" Watson said, "so NBC will permit Mike to continue in his excellent facility here. We Carried Mike in Philadelphia and we will continue to carry it here."

KYW had first refusal on NBC shows here and generally carried that network's shows. But it did decline Johnny Carson's "Tonight" and NBC radio network news and weekend Monitor programs. WEWS grabbed the former and WGAR has the latter. Watson said WKYC will air the "Tonight Show" in about three months, since NBC has already notified WEWS that WKYC wants the show. It will take six months before WGAR must relinquish its rights to NBC Radio network.

"I understand WGAR is now using some American Broadcasting Co. news shows." said Watson, "so we may get NBC net radio shows even sooner, if WGAR waives the rights to them"

Watson said he hoped all Westinghouse people now employed here and not invited to Philadelphia by KYW would stay on. Dick Goddard and Tom Snyder are going to Philadelphia along with TV news director Al Primo and radio's Bob Hagen.

Weatherman Wally Kinnan comes here from Philadelphia in Goddard's slot. Watson said he would use Bud Dancy for the time being to fill Snyder's 11PM news spot. Bud already works the early evening news so he is slated for double duty until a replacement can be found.

Irvin Margolis will replace Primo as TV news director. Margolis was TV news director in Philadelphia. Robert Martin is the new radio station manager, replacing Perry Bascom, whom Westinghouse shuffled to Boston

Clark Reed is the new radio program manager and Neal Van Ells will be the TV program manager.

All in all, Watson brings good news to the personnel which had been pulsating with rumors that a cutback would be effected shortly after NBC took over..

End of article

Jim Runyon finally made it to WCFL Chicago not long after this..He would return to WKYC/WWWE about 1970-73 before his untimely passing. He was the mellow announcer voice ("Wellll...") on the ChickenMan skits

Dick Goddard became homesick after several months in Philly. After fielding offers from all three Cleveland TV stations, he settled in with WJW-TV 8 because "They had the Browns"..He is still there 41 years later.

Al Primo created the "Eyewitness News" format used all over the country by the early 1970's, though the title "Eyewitness News" was used by KYW-TV as early as April 1959.
WEWS-5 used "Eyewitness News" in the 1970's and 80's.

Tom Snyder made a name for himself in Philly doing the news and hosting local talk shows. He would eventually gain national fame as the host of NBC's "Tomorrow" Show and his own national radio show..He passed away just recently.

Neal Van Ells-Began at NBC as Program Director of WRCV in 1962 and stayed at WRCV/WKYC till 1968, when he moved to KNBC Los Angeles as station manager before returning to WKYC as VP/General Manager from 1969-83. He died in 2004.

Interesting note:Mike Douglas last co-host on KYW Cleveland (June 14-18, 1965) was comedian/bad boy Henry Morgan..He made some disparaging remarks about Dorothy Fuldheim after seeing her news commentary program during the week..Caused a real ruckus among the viewers and critics that week..
Saturday, November 18, 1967

6:25 News
6:30 Farm Front
7AM Popeye Theater
9AM Super 6
9:30 Super President
10AM Flintstones
10:30 Samson and Goliath
11AM Birdman
11:30 Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel
Noon Top Cat
12:30 Cool McCool
1PM Panorama-Hicks
1:30 Movie-Double Feature
I Want You-1951
The First Traveling Saleslady-1956
5PM Gadabout Gaddis-Fishing
5:30 GE College Bowl-Robert Earle
6PM Big Ralph-Teen Dance Show
6:30 Montage
7PM NBC News-Frank McGee
7:30 Maya
8:30 Get Smart
9PM NBC Saturday Night at the Movies-Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man-1962
Midnight News-Ron Becker
12:10 Weather-Hicks (anyone know a first name?)
12:15 Sports-Dick Hammer
12:20 Movie-Double Feature
The Tarnished Angels-1957
She Played with Fire-English 1958
3:55 News and Sign Off

Listing from Cleveland Edition TV Guide

A short clip on NBC's Return to Cleveland, with Dick Goddard..From Channel 3:50 Golden Years

WKYC History slideshow, featured a few weeks back..Sights and sounds from WNBK/KYW/WKYC up to about 1983..Stills from WKYC-TV's 35th anniversary..Copyright NBC

Encore:WNBK to KYW..February 13, 1956

Editors Note:In honor of WKYC's 60th anniversary, here is an encore posting..The Changeover from WNBK to KYW..Originally posted May 12, 2008

KYW-TV 3 Station ID Slide...from likely 1957-58.. Special Thanks to Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia for the use of this image from their Archives

From Jerry Immel:KYW-Radio Transcription Disc Label..

TV Guide listing for Feb. 14, 1957..Probably a highlights show.. along with a Newspaper ad for the "Twin Hearts" Ball At Cleveland Arena that same evening..(Courtesy Jerry Immel)

"WBC" Ad touting how perfect KYW and Cleveland would be for each other..From the same TV Guide as the other ad below..

Ad/Article from TV Guide the week of Feb.11, 1956 on the occassion of WNBK's call letter change to KYW-TV. Courtesy Atlanta area voiceover artist Jerry Immel.

Our first posting in a while will highlight the NBC/Westinghouse swap of 1956-WPTZ-TV-AM to Cleveland (adding FM in the process)(with 3,000,000 dollars) and WNBK-AM-TV to Philadelphia(As WRCV). WPTZ had been bought in 1952 by Westinghouse from Philco Corp...To preserve the KYW Call Letters, then on their AM station at 1060 khz..They transferred them to Cleveland as KYW-TV 3, KYW-AM 1100 and KYW-FM 105.7..KYW had been in Chicago from 1921-34 before moving to Philadelphia..below are TV Guide listings:WNBK's final full day In Cleveland... and the first day of KYW-TV.

TV Guide Cleveland Edition
Sunday February 12, 1956

8AM TV Sunday School
8:30 The Christophers
9AM Catholic Hour
9:30 Spirituals
10:30 Youth Wants to Know
11AM American Forum
11:30 Pat Patterson
Noon Tomorrow
12:30 Norman Vincent Peale
12:45 Strange Adventure
1PM Movie-Japanese War Bride
2:30 Movie-In Old Sacramento
4PM Wide Wide World-Dave Garroway
5:30 Captain Gallant
6PM Meet The Press
6:30 Roy Rogers
7PM It's A Great Life-Comedy
7:30 Frontier
8PM Colgate Comedy Hour-Johnathan Winters, Peter Donald, Stan Freberg
9PM Philco/Goodyear TV Playhouee
10PM Loretta Young
10:30 Justice-Syndicated
11PM Movie-Best Of Hollywood-Spitfire

Monday, February 13, 1956


7AM Today
9AM Variety Hour
10AM Ding Dong School
10:30 Ernie Kovacs
11AM Home-Arlene Francis
11:45 KYW-TV-Opening Ceremonies
Noon Tennessee Ernie Show
12:30 Feather Your Nest
1PM Movie-I Love Trouble
2:30 My Little Margie
3PM Matinee Theater
4PM Date With Life
4:15 Modern Romances
4:30 Queen For A Day
5PM Pinky Lee
5:30 Howdy Doody
6PM Ramar Of The Jungle
6:30 Watch the Birdie
6:35 Sports-Tom Manning
6:45 News
7PM My Little Margie
7:30 Tony Martin
7:45 John Cameron Swayze-NBC News
8PM Sid Caesar
9PM Medic
9:30 Robert Montgomery Presents-Gene Rayburn in dramatic role
10:30 Man Behind The Badge-Syndicated
11PM News
11:05 Weather-Joe Finan
11:10 Sports
11:15 Little Theater
11:30 VP Richard Nixon-Lincoln Day Dinner Speech-Special
Midnight-Tonight-Steve Allen

Friday, October 24, 2008

WNBK-Early 1950's..

From TV Today January 1953:"Impact Television" ad for the 6-7PM weeknight WNBK offerings, including Tom Manning, who goes back to the 1930's at WTAM/WNBK

From December, 1952 TV Today:Ad for the "Ladies Shows" on WNBK-TV. Mildred and Gloria were also on WTAM Radio for a number of years..Gloria Brown was at channel 4, then channel 3 until the early 60's..

Full 2-Page TV Guide ad from 1953 showing the nightly at 6PM westerns block on WNBK-4. In the early years of television, western shorts were a staple of programming on just about all channels.

Second of a series on WKYC-TV's 60th anniversary..focusing more on the early 1950's.

As we said earlier, The first early-morning TV programming in Cleveland premiered January 14, 1952, with the debut of Dave Garroway's Today Show on NBC..Channel 4 was becoming established as Cleveland's "Community Station" with a lot of local programming..News was still an afterthought, with only Camel News Caravan and a five minute report at 6:45 and 11PM weeknights. Most everything was live, as announcers like Jay Miltner and Tom Haley did some newsbreaks and hosted shows throughout the weekdays at Channel 4..

Below is the programming schedule for April 19-25, 1952 for WNBK..About a year before upping their power and changing from Channel 4 to Channel 3..

Saturday, April 19, 1952

2PM Zorro Rides Again
2:30 Robinson Crusoe
3PM Red Ryder-Series
4PM Hopalong Cassidy
5PM Wild Bill Hickok
5:30 Youth Wants to Know
6PM Cisco Kid
6:30 WNBK Presents
7PM Lone Ranger
7:30 One Man's Family
8PM All Star Revue-Jimmy Durante, Bette Davis
9PM Your Show of Shows
10:30 Your Hit Parade
11PM Celluloid Playhouse
Midnight News
12:15 Dagmar's Canteen

Sunday, April 20, 1952

Noon NBC Symphony
1PM Frontiers of Faith
1:30 American Inventory
2PM Battle Report (Korea)
2:30 American Forum of the Air
3PM Fairmeadows USA-Serial
3:30 TV Recital Hall
4PM Meet The Press
4;30 To Be Announced
5PM Zoo Parade
5:30 Meet the Masters-Music
6PM Roy Rogers
6:30 Magic Gate
7PM Royal TV Showcase
7:30 Young Mr. Bobbin
8PM Colgate Comedy Hour
9PM Philco Television Playhouse
10PM Red Skelton
10:30 To Be Announced
11PM Feature Film-Mainline Theatre
Midnight World News

Daily-Monday-Friday April 21-25, 1952

7AM Today-According to TV Today, including national and local segments by Tom Haley, Today was three hours long..I suspect the Haley segments were called "Ohio Today" and the 9-10 hour was hosted by Haley in Cleveland-This was Today's fourth month on the air..

10AM Home Cooking-Louise Winslow
10:30 Winner Take All-Bill Cullen
11AM Charming Children
11:30 It's A Problem-Discussion
Noon Ruth Lyons' 50 Club- Brief NBC National version of what became a Cincinnati Institution..
12:30 Idea Shop-Mildred (Funnell) and Gloria (Brown)
1PM One O Clock Playhouse
2:30 Living Fashion-Maggie Byrne
3PM Big Payoff-Randy Merriman, Bess Myerson
3:30 Ralph Edwards
4PM Kate Smith Hour
5PM Hawkins Falls
5:15 Gabby Hayes
5:30 Howdy Doody
6PM Buckskin Billy
6:45 Today's News
6:50 Around The House-Ken Ward
7PM Kukla Fran and Ollie

7:15 MWF-Goldbergs
Tuesday-Bob and Ray
Thursday-Ilka Chase

7:30 MWF Those Two
TTh Dinah Shore

7:45 Camel News Caravan-John Cameron Swayze

Prime Time
Monday April 21, 1952

8PM Paul Winchell
8:30 Voice Of Firestone
9PM Lights Out
9:30 Robert Montgomery Presents
10:30 Who Said That-Quiz
11PM Front Page News
11:05 Sports Scene
11:10 Hollywood Theatre
Midnight-Final Edition

Tuesday, April 22, 1952

8PM Texaco Star Theater-Milton Berle
9PM Fireside Theatre
9:30 Armstrong Circle Theatre
10PM Original Amateur Hour-Ted Mack
10:45 Bob Considine
11PM Front Page News
11:05 Sports Scene
11:10 Hollywood Theatre
Midnight Final Edition

Wednesday April 23, 1952

8PM Kate Smith Evening Hour
9PM Kraft Television Theatre
10PM Your Prize Story
10:30 WNBK Presents Speak Up
11PM Front Page News
11:05 Sports Scene
11:10 Hollywood Theatre
Midnight-Final Edition

Thursday April 24, 1952

8PM You Bet Your Life
8:30 Treasury Men in Actiom
9PM Dragnet On TV (How it was listed)
9:30 James Melton
10PM Martin Kane, Private Eye
10:30 TV Star Spotlight
11PM Front Page News
11:05 Sports Scene
11:10 Hollywood Theatre
Midnight-Final Edition

Friday, April 25, 1952

8PM Ezio Pinza
8:30 We, The People
9PM Big Story
9:30 Aldrich Family
10PM Gilette Cavalcade of Sports-Boxing
10:45 Greatest Fights
11PM Front Page News
11:05 Teleplay
11:35 Hollywood Theatre
Midnight-Final Edition

From Channel 3:50 Golden Years:Features on the early days of live TV with Tom Haley and host Del Donahoo..Carrying over to the Westinghouse Years..Material Copyright National Broadcasting Company, Westinghouse and Gannett

Our final 2 posts of this series will be Encore postings of earlier KYW/WKYC articles to round out the 60 year WKYC series..Also soon I will have a Ghoulardifest review and a Big Chuck! Book review..

Monday, October 13, 2008

October 1948-WNBK Channel 4 signs on-Cleveland's Second Television Station

Test Pattern for WNBK Channel 4 in Cleveland..Courtesy WKYC/National Broadcasting Company

I'd like to begin a weekly series today through the rest of October celebrating Channel 3's 60th anniversary,,WKYC-TV 3 came on the air for the first time October 31, WNBK channel 4. Owned and operated by the National Broadcasting Company, WNBK was the second station in Cleveland, following Scripps-Howard's WEWS Channel 5 by just over 10 months

WNBK shared space with co-owned WTAM AM 1100 and FM 105.7 at 815 Superior Avenue in Cleveland. Channel 4's first program was the Philco Televison Playhouse from NBC at 9PM Oct. 31, 1948..As with most early TV stations, WNBK's sign on was in the early afternoon, eventually at 1PM weekdays..Most of the afternoon programming was local..with network programming, of course, in prime time..By January 14, 1952, when NBC's "Today" premiered, WNBK came on the air at 7AM..

From Channel 3's 50 Golden Years..Del Donahoo talks about the earliest days of WNBK, and what Cleveland was like then..Courtesy Gannett/NBC

Here is a full week WNBK Program Guide from Cleveland Entertainment Weekly Tele-Vue Magazine-February 5-12 1949..WNBK was on the air about 4 months at this time. If the sponsor name is not in the title, it will be in parentheses

Saturday, February 5, 1949

6:45 Bulletin Board-This may have been like a program preview show
6:50 Children's Film
7:00 Sportsdesk
7:30 The Armchair Travels
8:00 "Scattergood Baines"
9:00 "NBC Television Newsreel"

Sunday, February 6, 1949

7:10 Bulletin Board
7:15 Feature Film
8:30 "Golden Wedding"
9:00 Philco Television Playhouse-"The Late Christopher Bean" with Lillian Gish and Bert Lytell-NC (Network Commercial)
10:00 NBC News Review-(Disney Hats)-NC
10:15 Program Previews

Monday, February 7, 1949

4:55 Bulletin Board
5:00 These Are My Children-NS- Network Sustaining (no outside sponsors)
5:15 The Last Frontier
5:30 Howdy Doody
6:00 WNBK Presents
6:45 Bob Reed Show
7:00 Kukla, Fran and Ollie-NC (RCA)
7:30 WNBK Presents Film
7:50 Camel Newsreel Theater (News Caravan) John Cameron Swayze-NC
8:00 Television Screen Magazine
8:30 Chevrolet On Broadway-NC
9:00 Colgate Theater-NC
9:30 Americana-Ben Grauer-NC (Firestone)
10:00 Program Previews

Tuesday, February 8, 1949

4:55 Bulletin Board
5:00 These Are My Children-NS
5:15 The Last Frontier
5:30 Howdy Doody
6:00 WNBK Presents
7:00 Kukla, Fran and Ollie-NC (RCA)
7:30 The Troubador with John Bankhurst
7:50 Camel Newsreel Theater (News Caravan) John Cameron Swayze-NC
8:00 Texaco Star Theater-Milton Berle-NC
9:00 Startime Serenade-Maureen and the WNBK Golden Strings
9:30 Musical Merry-Go-Round
10:00 NBC Television Newsreel
10:15 Wrestling-St. Nicholas Arena, New York City
11:00 Program Previews

Wednesday, February 9, 1949

4:55 Bulletin Board
5:00 These Are My Children-NS
5:15 The Last Frontier
5:30 Howdy Doody(5:45-6:00 sponsored by Mason Mints)
6:00 WNBK Presents
6:45 Bob Reed Show
7:00 Kukla, Fran and Ollie-NC (RCA)
7:30 You Are An Artist-Jon Gnagy
7:50 Camel Newsreel Theater (News Caravan) John Cameron Swayze-NC
8:00 Girl About Town-NC (Bates Fabrics)-Kyle McDonnell, Earl Wrightson
8:20 WNBK Presents Film
8:30 This Is Your World-Edward Wallace-Possibly the first local Newscaster on WNBK-Guests Professors Henry Miller Bush and John Culver of Cleveland College discussing "Russia"
9:00 Kraft Television Theater-NC
10:00 Program Previews

Thursday February 10, 1949

4:55 Bulletin Board
5:00 These Are My Children-NS
5:15 The Last Frontier
5:30 Howdy Doody
6:00 WNBK Presents
7:00 Kukla, Fran and Ollie-NC (RCA)
7:30 Helen Hollis
7:50 Camel Newsreel Theater (News Caravan) John Cameron Swayze-NC
8:00 Phil Silvers Arrow Show-NC-(Arrow Shirts)
8:30 Swift Show-Lanny Ross-NC (Swift & Co. Meats)
9:00 Word Quiz
9:30 Bigelow Show-NC-Mind reader Dunninger and Paul Winchell/Jerry Mahoney, Hosts.(Bigelow-Sanford)
10:00 Program Previews

Friday, February 11, 1949

4:55 Bulletin Board
5:00 These Are My Children-NS
5:15 The Last Frontier
5:30 Howdy Doody(5:45-6:00 sponsored by Mason Mints)
6:00 WNBK Presents
6:45 Bob Reed Show
7:00 Kukla, Fran and Ollie-NC (RCA)
7:30 America Song-Music and Ballet with Dancers Nelle Fischer and Ray Harrison with guitarist Paul Arnold
7:50 Camel Newsreel Theater (News Caravan) John Cameron Swayze-NC
8:00 Admiral Broadway Review (Revue)-NC
9:00 WNBK Presents
9:30 Your Show Time-NC (American Tobacco Co.)
10:00 Gillette Cavalcade of Sports-Boxing-NC-Madison Sqare Garden
11:00 Chesterfield Supper Club-Perry Como
11:15 Program Previews

Saturday February 12, 1949

6:45 Bulletin Board
6:50 Children's Film
7:00 Sportsdesk
7:30 The Armchair Travels
8:00 Feature Film
9:00 Pro Basketball from New York (Brooklyn Gothams)

Next:More of "50 Golden Years"..Tom Haley looks back to the early 1950's..and more..

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Big Ghoulardifest News

Cover for "Big Chuck! My Favorite Stories from 47 years on Cleveland TV"..Will be available for the first time Next week at Ghoulardifest.

UPDATE:10:55 PM 10/10/08 Big Chuck! Publishers Gray and Company are now featuring the book on their website, with a free sample chapter..From what little I've seen, this will be a great read..

Hello folks:
Remember in my last post when I said I would have Special news on the Ghoulardifest "In the next few days?"

Well, the next few days is here..LOL..It has just been announced that The long promised Chuck Schodowski Book on his TV career WILL be available during Ghoulardifest Octobber 17-19 at Holiday Inn at Independence..Here are the book details:
Title: Big Chuck!
Sub title: My Favorite Stories from 47 Years On TV.
Pages: 288 pages, with B&W Photos.
Authors:Chuck Schodowsski with Tom Feran..

Hardcover, $19.95!

Available at the Ghoulardifest October 17-19th.

Also:It will be available about a week later at your favorite bookstore in Northeast Ohio..

Courtesy The Cleveland Plain Dealer and, Here is a Video News conference with Tom Feran, Chuck Schodowski, John Rinaldi, Mike Olszewski and Ghoulardifest promoter Ron Garsteck talking about the Ghoulardifest and the Book coming out, etc..

I encourage anyone who is a fan..You have to make this weekend!..It will be a blast!!

The Kielbasy Kid And Uncle Jed-Hoolihan and Big Chuck-Around 1970

Here is an original drawing by John Thornberg, who did the artwork for the Hoolihan and Big Chuck Show-"More to Come" bumpers and such..The Kielbasy Kid, His faithful Indian companion Kishka and King The Wonder Dog..I am of the opinion that this would be good enough to animate if Mr. Thornberg would ever want to..He is an very talented man..

As we have seen, there is no shortage of Ghoulardi/Hoolihan and Big Chuck/Lil John skits on YouTube and other video sharing sites..Just found this skit last night..Featuring The Beverly Hillbillies' Buddy Ebsen in a Kielbasy Kid skit with Big Chuck and Hoolihan..Though The thread title says 1970, I think this could be from 1969 or no later than 1971 (When Hillbillies was Canceled by CBS)..It was a practice of certain CBS stars to appear on local affiliates to plug their latest project or just the CBS show they were starring in..Thanks to bigchuckandliljohn, YouTube member, for uploading this originally..

We should have some special news regarding the Ghoulardifest in the next few days..stay tuned..

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New and forums

Cleveland sports fans have always been among the most passionate in the USA..I've been a Browns, Indians , Cavs, and Pro Hockey fan since around 1970..I'd like to introduce a pair of new links today..To the Cleveland, and it's companion message boards. The Cleveland is a clearinghouse of all things Cleveland Sports, such as articles, blogs, web feeds, etc..For the real Cleveland Sports Fan..The Forums have loads of Topics on every conceivable spectator sport, pro anc college, in Northeast Ohio..Plus many off topic boards..Very well done..The Cleveland serves as an unofficial message board for Sportstime

I highly recommend these sites..Swerb and Consigliere are two major folks that run the boards and the site and they do an excellent job.

Thanks to Swerb for the link to Cleveland Classic Media..

Friday, October 3, 2008

Calvin and the Colonel-1961-62 ABC

Here, courtesy of the Internet Archive, is a full episode of the ABC animated series, Calvin and The Colonel. Created by Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll, the men behind Amos and Andy, This series was one of several attempts by ABC to repeat the success of the "Flintstones." The plots revolved around a Fox and a Bear in a large Southern City, voiced by Gosden and Correll in their Amos and Andy Voices. Produced by Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher, the series premiered October 3, 1961 Tuesdays at 8:30. After the first 6 episodes (ending November 7) the series was shelved until January 27, 1962, when it ran Saturday nights 7:30 till the end of the run, September 22, 1962. From what little I've seen it wasnt a bad show, despte the limited animation..I also like the jazzy theme music..Here is "Wheeler Dealer" with original commercials, First aired February 3, 1962..